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Project Kick-off and 1st Steering Committee

03 - 04 Oct 2019
Clock 09 : 30 - 14 : 30 CEST
Location In person | Barcelona, Spain
By Project QUALIFY
The kick-off meeting of the project QUALIFY will take place on 3-4 October 2019 in Barcelona, Spain. The two-day event will be organized by the Lead Partner Government of Catalonia, Department of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Food.
The aim of the meeting is to launch the project and to provide an overview of the project approach, activities and main outputs. The two-days meeting will be the occasion for sharing the regional policies for SME competitiveness in the agri-food sector and highlight the milestones of the project.
Furthermore, a rich programme of study visits and exchange of best practices will engage project partners and their local stakeholder in the upcoming 3 years and a half. All partners will visit two catalan agri-food SME, and learn about their quality standards and control, sharing how they prevent food fraud along the food supply chain. 
Find the agenda of the event at the following link: http://agricultura.gencat.cat/web/.content/04-alimentacio/projectes-europeus/enllacos-documents/fitxers-binaris/kickoff-2019/ORDRE-DEL-DIA.pdf
