SHARED RIDE webinar (Yhtä Kyytyä!)
19 May 2020
18 : 00 - 19 : 30 CEST
In person

"Shall I rent a car or boat myself or to others? "
Join us online on 19.5.2020 at 18-19:30 (EET) in Finnish language and hear how you can offer your car or boat for rent or alternatively look for rental options through an app. In addition, you will hear about the carpool app, through which you can offer and search for carpools, especially for work commuting. The webinar explains the use of the applications in a practical way. Time for questions from the audience is reserved!
"Utilize your car or boat more effectively! Or are you looking for a nice travel companion?"

Pre-registration is not required. You can join the webinar via this ZOOM link: bit.ly/yhtakyytia
This dissemination event promotes the sharing economy with a focus on mobility. The online event is organized by LAB University of Applied Sciences and LUT University's projects: Maallemuuttajat 2030, CECI and Askel.
- 18.00-18.05 Tervetulosanat / Welcoming words
- 18.05-18.30 PiggyBaggy kimppakyytisovellus / Ride-sharing application presentation
- 18.30-19.00 Blox Car / Car-Sharing application / service
- 19.00-19.30 Skipperi / Boat-sharing service