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SOCIAL SEEDS kick-off meeting in Budapest

26 - 28 Apr 2016
Clock 00 : 00 - 00 : 00 CEST
Location In person | Budapest, Hungary

SOCIAL SEEDS has a strong consortium including partners from Hungary (Lead Partner), Italy, Slovenia, the Czech Republic, Poland, Estonia as well as EURADA – European Association of Development Agencies, the umbrella organization having a membership of about 100 regional development agencies from across the EU.

The main aim is to strengthen the social enterprise landscape in partner regions through developing an evidence-based policy diagnostic tool that increases the effectiveness of local and regional policies and improvie policy instruments for stimulation of growth and employment (preferably of vulnerable social groups) in social enterprises (SE) including their ecosystems.

The budget for the 5 years of project duration amounts to 1 693 049 Euro.

At the beginning of the meeting Mária Baracsi from IFKA Public Benefit Non Profit Ltd. for the Development of the Industry welcomed the partners on behalf of the Lead Partner. Thereafter the partners presented their regions, with focus on the social enterprise sector, the current state of policy instruments as well as improvement necessity and expectations. The purpose of this first meeting was primarily the definition of work structures, work packages and getting to know each of the partners.  Hereby, we would also like to express our special thanks to our guest speakers, to Ms. Annamária Horváth, managing director of NESsT social enterprise accelerator as well as to Mr. Márton Gosztonyi, social entrepreneurs (AURORA Social Enterprise) for their valuable contribution.

On the second day of the meeting, partners have participated in a study-visit showcasing inspiring social enterprises from Hungary such as the HelloMum! – Community space for mothers after kid delivery, the KockaCsoki - Handmade chocolate manufactury employing people living with Autism, ToldiHáz – Leisure time activities and services addressed to blind, visually-impaired, hard-of-hearing, deaf, autistic, Down’s syndrome children and their family members and last but not least the Cseriti Adománybolt – Donation network managing charity shops.

This November the next meeting will be held in Bologna and will be linked to EURADA’s annual conference on social innovation entitled to Agorada+.
