29 Sep 2017
09 : 00 - 11 : 00 CEST
In person

Chamber of Commerce of Molise will held the first Symbi Project Infoday in Italy on the 29th of September. The Location of the meeting will beChamber of Commerce of Molise premises in Campobasso, Molise.
The Infoday will be the best occasion to promote the actions of Symbi project to new interested regional stakeholders. The Infoday will see the participation of the whole board of the Chamber of Commerce and SERM Agnecy. During the meeting will be presented all the actions put in place so far by Symbi Project Partners in order to improve the implementation of regional development policies and programmes related to the promotion and dissemination of industrial symbiosis and circular economy to policies alignment with the circular economy package of the European Commission to transform Europe into a more competitive resource-efficient economy.
The Infoday will be the best occasion to promote the actions of Symbi project to new interested regional stakeholders. The Infoday will see the participation of the whole board of the Chamber of Commerce and SERM Agnecy. During the meeting will be presented all the actions put in place so far by Symbi Project Partners in order to improve the implementation of regional development policies and programmes related to the promotion and dissemination of industrial symbiosis and circular economy to policies alignment with the circular economy package of the European Commission to transform Europe into a more competitive resource-efficient economy.