Tyseley Energy Park Event
08 Feb 2018
10 : 00 - 12 : 00 CET
In person
West Midlands, ,
                                Birmingham City Council - Clean Air                             Â
An 'Industrial Symbiosis Good Practice' report was issued in September 2017 outlining the transformation for industrial competitiveness for Tyseley Energy Park.
The result of this development has led to a planning permission being approved for the key development of alternative low carbon and low/zero emission energy fuels.
The site is located within the Tyseley Environment Enterprise District (TEED) an established industrial regeneration area. TEED aims to develop Tyseley as a principal location in Birmingham for CO2 reduction and low carbon aims through encouraging recycling, energy production and renewables including manufacturing and supply chain development.
Birmingham City Council have since worked with Tyseley Energy Park to develop this opportunity and create an alternative fuel re-fueling hub to provide hydrogen and electric charging (from the wood, bio-mass renewable energy plant), CNG, LPG and bio-fuels, with compression, dispensing and storage powered by renewable energy.
This development now requires industry and business freight and logistics companies to transition to alternative fuels and application too new product and service development opportunities. Birmingham City Council are proposing to introduce a policy on emission standards for taxis and private hire vehicles. This would mean these vehicles would need to reach certain emission standards, which would gradually become stricter.
The key requirement in the development of Tyseley Energy Park is the need for a good communication system to be put in place to assist the dialogue between alternative businesses, fuel investors and Birmingham City Council.
The publicity meeting will address a key number of areas:-
1. Local and national agenda/clean air zone from Slyvia Broadley of Birmingham City Council
2. Update on blueprint for Birmingham Click here to view blueprint
3. Brand identity and a coordinated media initiative
4. Engagement and supporting local businesses through transition periods
5. Tyseley Workshop proposal through The Birmingham and Solihull Industrial Symbiosis Project and Industrial Symbiosis. What is BASIS?
6. Virtual presence - access to Energy Park and fuel information
Please follow the link Clean Air for more information - Birmingham City Councils ambitions to become a green sustainable city - By Councillor Lisa Tricket and contact us on 0121 433 2660 if you would like to discuss how we can provide assistance and offer support to your business.