24 Feb 2022
10 : 00 - 12 : 00 CET
In person
Exchange of good practices on policy instruments developed in order to support thermalism during the COVID-19 crisis.
During this webinar, representatives of InnovaSPA partnering regions will share good practices, from their regions/countries, on policy instruments (at the national or regional level) developed in order to support thermalism during the COVID-19 crisis. These can be financial instruments in order to support the development of new products/services, subsidies, tax reliefs, and other types of financial and non-financial support.
Political and financial instruments at the French level that supported the thermal spas and more widely the thermal spa industry during the COVID-19 crisis, Claude-Eugène Bouvier, Secretary General of the National Council of thermal establishments (CNETh)
Regional instruments that supported the thermal spas of Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes and more widely the regional tourism industry during the COVID-19 crisis, Emilie Peyronnet, Project manager for Health preventionand thermalism, in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region
Jean-François Jobert, Associate Director for Engineering &Marketing, Deputy Director of the Clermont Site ofAuvergne-Rhône-Alpes tourism.
"VOUCHER system" develop in order to support thermal spas in some of ESPA member countries, Csilla Mezozi, Secretary General of the European Spas Association (ESPA)
Financing for companies whose activity has been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, Ms. Ovidia Caba, Director of Regional Policies, Programming Unit - Regional Development Agency Centru, Romania
Calls connecting to thermalism and post-COVID treatments, Mr. Péter Keller, head of the Managing Authority of the Economic Development and Innovation Operational Program, Hungary
Policy instruments for support of Latvian SMEs in Spaand hospitality sector in time of the pandemic, Gunta Ušpele, manager of Latvian Health Tourism Cluster
Financial support instruments for the health tourism sector in Lithuania, Paulius Kamaitis, expert at Ministry of Economy and Innovations, Justė Rakštytė-Hoimian, project manager at Lithuanian Innovation Center
ZOOM LINK: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8530839294
During this webinar, representatives of InnovaSPA partnering regions will share good practices, from their regions/countries, on policy instruments (at the national or regional level) developed in order to support thermalism during the COVID-19 crisis. These can be financial instruments in order to support the development of new products/services, subsidies, tax reliefs, and other types of financial and non-financial support.
Political and financial instruments at the French level that supported the thermal spas and more widely the thermal spa industry during the COVID-19 crisis, Claude-Eugène Bouvier, Secretary General of the National Council of thermal establishments (CNETh)
Regional instruments that supported the thermal spas of Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes and more widely the regional tourism industry during the COVID-19 crisis, Emilie Peyronnet, Project manager for Health preventionand thermalism, in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region
Jean-François Jobert, Associate Director for Engineering &Marketing, Deputy Director of the Clermont Site ofAuvergne-Rhône-Alpes tourism.
"VOUCHER system" develop in order to support thermal spas in some of ESPA member countries, Csilla Mezozi, Secretary General of the European Spas Association (ESPA)
Financing for companies whose activity has been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, Ms. Ovidia Caba, Director of Regional Policies, Programming Unit - Regional Development Agency Centru, Romania
Calls connecting to thermalism and post-COVID treatments, Mr. Péter Keller, head of the Managing Authority of the Economic Development and Innovation Operational Program, Hungary
Policy instruments for support of Latvian SMEs in Spaand hospitality sector in time of the pandemic, Gunta Ušpele, manager of Latvian Health Tourism Cluster
Financial support instruments for the health tourism sector in Lithuania, Paulius Kamaitis, expert at Ministry of Economy and Innovations, Justė Rakštytė-Hoimian, project manager at Lithuanian Innovation Center
ZOOM LINK: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8530839294