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This page contains information on the bodies responsible for Structural Funds programmes and on the first level control in Slovenia. You may also speak directly with the Interreg Europe representatives in Slovenia.



Republic of Slovenia

Ministry of Cohesion and Regional Development
Interreg and Financial Mechanisms Office
Interreg Division
Kotnikova 5
1000 Ljubljana

List of Structural Funds programmes

Download the latest list of managing authorities and intermediate bodies responsible for Structural Funds programmes in each country. Select the SI tab for information about Slovenia.

Please note that there is only one Investment for Jobs and Growth programme in Slovenia (»Program evropske kohezijske politike v obdobju 2021-2027 v Sloveniji« / European Cohesion Policy Programme for the Period 2021-2027 in Slovenia available on the following webpage: Program evropske kohezijske politike 2021 - 2027 - Evropska sredstva).

You can also find the list of managing authorities at the European Commission's search page. Select Slovenia for the latest information.

Bodies responsible for Structural Funds programmes

The list of managing authorities or intermediate bodies responsible for the Structural Funds (Investment for jobs and growth) programmes in the EU Member States. Last update on 17-05-2024.

Control system

This section provides information about the control system and national guidance set up in Slovenia for the 2021-2027 programming period. 

The control system

Slovenia uses a centralised control system.

The control body

Address Contact

Ministry of Cohesion and Regional Development
Control and Evaluation Divisoin;  Interreg Programmes and Financial Mechanisms Control Section
Kotnikova 5,
1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia


Dušan Kotnik
+ 386 (0)1 400 3424

The costs

Control costs will not be charged to project partners.

On-the-spot checks

On-the-spot checks will be carried out on a sample basis. However   for projects with expenditures for cost category investments and equipment an on-the-spot check will be carried out at least one in the project lifetime.

National guidance

National guidelines for reporting are available under: https://evropskasredstva.si/predpisi-programov-interreg/

Get inspired

Have a look at the Slovenian content on our website.

Check out the leaflets presenting the Policy Learning Platform and the peer review service, both in Slovenian. Scroll through our project ideas and good practices, or contact our Slovenian community members and organisations.

You can read some basic information about our programme in this leaflet.

Peer review service flyer_SL.pdf

A leaflet presenting the peer review service in Slovenian.

Policy Learning Platform 2021-2027_SL.pdf

A leaflet presenting the Policy Learning Platform in Slovenian.

Programme services

People network at project partner event

Project funding

Develop your project idea, make it relevant for our programme and prepare your project application.

People speaking around a table at an event

Policy advice

Get support for our policy challenges from a team of experts. Discover the services we offer.