This page contains information on the bodies responsible for Structural Funds programmes and on the first level control in Cyprus. You may also speak directly with the Interreg Europe representatives in Cyprus.
Directorate General Growth, Ministry of Finance
29 Vyronos Avenue Nicosia
1096 Cyprus
List of Structural Funds programmes
Download the latest list of managing authorities and intermediate bodies responsible for Structural Funds programmes in each country. Select the CY tab for information about Cyprus.
You can also find the list of managing authorities at the European Commission's search page. Select Cyprus for the latest information.
Bodies responsible for Structural Funds programmes
The list of managing authorities or intermediate bodies responsible for the Structural Funds (Investment for jobs and growth) programmes in the EU Member States. Last update on 17-05-2024.
Control system
This section provides information on the system set up for control in Cyprus for the 2021-2027 programming period.
The control system
Cyprus uses a decentralised control system. The Partner selects an independent external controller who, jointly with the Partner, completes a standardized "Controller Designation Declaration" which incorporates the commitment of the controller and the Control Team for the completion of the verification work within set standards.
The approbation body
Address | Contact |
Address Treasury of the Republic |
Contact Christina Iacovou
The costs
The control costs must be borne by the project partner, and can be reported as eligible in compliance with the relevant EU regulations and programme rules. These costs should therefore be planned in the project budget.
On-the-spot checks
At least one on-the-spot check to be carried out for each partner during the lifetime of the project.
On-the-spot verifications may cover a sample of the work / project activities and / or a sample of original documents that have been audited administratively and should be undertaken with the aim of obtaining a reasonable assurance about the implementation / delivery of the co-financed products and services. The Controller may follow his / her own methodology and sampling method.
National guidance
Find more guidance (Circulars) to national procedures at this website (in Greek).
Get inspired
Have a look at the Cypriot content on our website.
Check out the leaflet presenting our peer review service in Greek. Scroll through our project ideas and good practices, or contact our Cypriot community members and organisations.
You can find information in your local language at this link.
Peer review service flyer.pdf
A leaflet presenting the peer review service (in Greek).
Country members in our community
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