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Efficient business support ecosystems

Policy brief
By Platform

Since the mid-1990s, the increasing complexity of business competitiveness and dynamically changing needs of SMEs to remain competitive had contributed to the emergence of regional business support ecosystems. Bringing together the competencies of multiple private and public stakeholders, aiming at contributing jointly to the efficient delivery of qualitative business support services.

Different operational approaches have been implemented in order to address the complexity and fragmentation of such ecosystems. In this policy brief, we look at models observed in different Interreg Europe projects for implementing and managing multiple-stakeholder collaborative practices for better business support delivery.

The conclusions and takeaways provide an overview of some common observations with illustrations from good practices from different European regions. For readers interested in strategic dimensions of business support ecosystems we also recommend reading the policy brief “University-industry collaboration” written by our research and innovation experts.

Policy brief on efficient business support ecosystems

Policy brief on efficient business support ecosystems

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Business support
Business services