ActiveEco Lab
Published on 27 May 2019
This is the good practice's implementation level. It can be national, regional or local.
About this good practice
ActivEco Lab has been designed and coordinated by the Centro Idea of the municipality of Ferrara, in collaboration with civic associations: Unione Cuochi Estensi (Chef Union of Ferrara), Bibliocucina and Offcina Dinamica.
In 2015 and 2016, three laboratories were dedicated to the issue of food waste in 4 hour kitchen classes for 20 participants each. The first laboratory («Karmafood»), in collaboration with the cultural association Officina Dinamica, dealt with the reuse of leftovers. The second («Creative ideas against food waste»), handled by the Unioni Cuochi Estensi had the goal of teaching about the use of ingredients that people commonly consider waste, such as peelings and leaves. The third («Cooks factory»), held again by Unione Cuochi Estensi, was dedicated to an ecological Christmas lunch menu.
In Europe, a massive part of food waste is produced at home, so a practical action dedicated towards citizens is a good way to address the problem, with long term results and a general cultural change in the participants. The kitchen classes are a very powerful tool to modify behaviours and spread a different culture on food matters.
In 2015 and 2016, three laboratories were dedicated to the issue of food waste in 4 hour kitchen classes for 20 participants each. The first laboratory («Karmafood»), in collaboration with the cultural association Officina Dinamica, dealt with the reuse of leftovers. The second («Creative ideas against food waste»), handled by the Unioni Cuochi Estensi had the goal of teaching about the use of ingredients that people commonly consider waste, such as peelings and leaves. The third («Cooks factory»), held again by Unione Cuochi Estensi, was dedicated to an ecological Christmas lunch menu.
In Europe, a massive part of food waste is produced at home, so a practical action dedicated towards citizens is a good way to address the problem, with long term results and a general cultural change in the participants. The kitchen classes are a very powerful tool to modify behaviours and spread a different culture on food matters.
Expert opinion
This is a very good example of active measures on local level to change some lock-in behavioural patterns by the population. In this particular case it is done by teaching them new innovative approaches to saving food and to reusing food leftovers. Regions can explore the GP and support associations to initiative similar food waste saving courses in their territories.
Resources needed
Volunteers, coordination, municipal staffs.
The cost of the ActivEcoLab ranges between €500-€1,000 per year depending on the number of courses and teachers.
The cost of the ActivEcoLab ranges between €500-€1,000 per year depending on the number of courses and teachers.
Evidence of success
70% of participants are convinced or fully convinced that what they learned will make their lifestyle more sustainable, 80% of respondents are convinced or fully convinced that they will use what they learned in daily life. On average it’s estimated that an Italian family throws away €300 of food per year. Learning how to reduce food waste in the kitchen generates a significant saving of money for households and helps to reduce the cost of municipal organic waste treatment
Potential for learning or transfer
ActivEco Lab has generated a big interest among ECOWASTE4FOOD partners and has inspired a pilot action in Devon (UK).
Further information
Good practice owner
You can contact the good practice owner below for more detailed information.
City of Ferrara
Deputy manager