Activities of IT Valley Košice Cluster (COVID-19)
Published on 21 May 2020
This is the good practice's implementation level. It can be national, regional or local.
About this good practice
Among many initiatives of clusters in fighting against the COVID-19, we can mention activities of IT Valley Košice cluster (Slovakia), that has implemented three initiatives – first and most obvious is transparent system of funding, to help ensure the missing medical supplies for hospitals, social services homes, and other marginalized groups of people in the Eastern Slovakia region –, the aim was to use the raised money for the Department of Infectious Diseases and Travel Medicine in Košice for building a telemedicine room with the capability to diagnose COVID - 19 remotely which can protect NHS workers and save their lives. Also, the initiative was aimed to buy material for protective shields which were printed in the Science park at the Technical University for local NHS staff for free. Also, Košice IT Valley supported a shelter for homeless people- Oáza. The second one was setting up a portal (I will come later)–people can support their local entrepreneurs (hairdresser, baristas etc.)by buying a voucher for their services through website built by experts from cluster now and using it after the service providers start to work again. The third one is joint sharing of available staff among the members of cluster. Cluster is facilitating this joint utilization of available staff. This is an example of organizing a strong combined societal and industry response, in what was called a “shared leadership”.
Expert opinion
The IT Valley Košice Cluster, Slovakia, launched some initiatives to alleviate the negative effects of the COVID-19 emergency. The initiatives have ranged from transparent funding system to access medical supplies for hospitals to helping protect homeless people and supporting local independent businesses. The good practice shows that clusters can act proactively and pragmatically in responding to the COVID-19 crisis to promote positive societal and economic impacts in their local innovation ecosystems. More importantly, the good practice illustrates the importance of cluster leadership in sharing capacities and expertise and engaging with their members to respond to the COVID-19 socio-economic challenges.
Works at
Interreg Europe Policy Learning Platform
Resources needed
#itpomaha , - resources of Košice IT Valley did not consist of financial support, but cluster dedicated the own capacities and expert capacities of our members( programming engineers, PR managers, experts on fundraising,etc) with the aim to build a website and spread the message
Evidence of success - Through a transparent funding system, we would like to help provide the missing medical supplies for hospitals, social service homes and other marginalized groups of people in the region of eastern Slovakia.
So far, EUR 8831 has been raised. - Saved at least 12 services from purchased vouchers for future use, which were not forced to close the service and did not even have to lay off employees.
So far, EUR 8831 has been raised. - Saved at least 12 services from purchased vouchers for future use, which were not forced to close the service and did not even have to lay off employees.
Potential for learning or transfer
Web portals were created to help others. This aid, which requires only minimal costs, is visible and easy to use, especially in this digital age. It is a transparent and non-profit aid created by a credible IT Valley institution together with its partners. Building a larger community within-cluster and engaging all stakeholders is crucial. We faced the challenges of coronavirus by engaging our members and stakeholders, small and medium enterprises, R&D institutions, universities, nonprofit organizations, big companies, and the regional government. We shared our experts to create help that was neened at the moment.
Further information
Good practice owner
You can contact the good practice owner below for more detailed information.
IT Valley
Východné Slovensko
Director of Dpt.