
Biomass boiler for efficient malt making process
Published on 19 January 2021

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About this good practice
Polttimo owns the Viking Malt malt making factory in the city of Lahti in Finland.
Increasing costs of natural gas lead to a need for replacing the factory's older heating system. The natural gas heating system was replaced with a 12 MW biomass burning steam boiler capable of burning wood chips and agro biomass. The boiler is fitted with a flue gas scrubber with heat recovery. Recovered heat from flue gas scrubber is used to preheat local district heating systems water.
The heating plant was built by Lahti Energia, a local energy company, which provides the plant as a paid service type contract.
The boiler provides heating and steam for the malt making process as well as heating the buildings of the factory and can also be used to heat district heating water in times of high heat demand such as very cold winter days.
Increasing costs of natural gas lead to a need for replacing the factory's older heating system. The natural gas heating system was replaced with a 12 MW biomass burning steam boiler capable of burning wood chips and agro biomass. The boiler is fitted with a flue gas scrubber with heat recovery. Recovered heat from flue gas scrubber is used to preheat local district heating systems water.
The heating plant was built by Lahti Energia, a local energy company, which provides the plant as a paid service type contract.
The boiler provides heating and steam for the malt making process as well as heating the buildings of the factory and can also be used to heat district heating water in times of high heat demand such as very cold winter days.
Resources needed
Running the heating boiler is done remotely and doesn’t employ any workers full-time.Total costs of building the system was 9 M€. Business Finland energy aid was given to the project covering 15 % of the 9 M€ project costs amounting to 1,35 M€.
Evidence of success
90% reduction in fossil fuel use.
Potential for learning or transfer
This technology could be used for process heat in most food industry facilities if a supply of biomass is available. It is a fine example of easily replacing natural gas burning with renewable energy.
Further information
Good practice owner
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Lab university of applied sciences

Pohjois- ja Itä-Suomi
RDI specialist