Biomethane production, upgrading and utilisation
About this good practice
Ormonde Upgrading Limited (OUL) integrated anaerobic digestion facility converts organic matter (such as agricultural residues, food wastes) into clean energy (biogas, electricity, heat) as primary products and nutrient-rich soil amendment as by-products. Biogas is upgraded by the removal of impurities – CO2 and trace gases – to yield biomethane which is utilised in three aspects: onsite re-use (in a combined heat and power unit (CHP)), injection into the gas grid, off-grid utilisation (provide off-grid renewable gas solution for local customers), transport fuel (used in fleet as vehicle fuel). In terms of production capacity, 750m3 of biomethane is produced per hour of operation and for each 1m3 of biomethane used as vehicle fuel, 1L of diesel is displaced.
The digestate, which is a secondary product in the facility, is utilised as organic fertiliser in farms and fields thereby preventing the continued use of chemical or artificial fertilisers. The Biomethane Upgrader was part of the Interreg NWE, RegEnergy Project in conjunction with the South-East Energy Agency.
Expert opinion
Resources needed
Financial resources required for this element of the project is €432,528. 20 staff of OUL perform daily operations on-site while 5 South East Energy Agency employees provided technical support for the setup of the project.
Evidence of success
On an annual basis, OUL supplies renewable electricity to 8,000 houses (with 80% in Kilkenny City) and provides 3,000 homes with renewable heat. The installed ancillary equipment upgrades 22,000MWh/y of biogas into biomethane, hence demand can be met with biomethane. Despite the lack of government biomethane boiler schemes and challenge of direct injection into the gas grid, off-grid biomethane delivery to customers was achieved under specialised logistics with adaptable storage equipment.
Potential for learning or transfer
In regions where it is challenging to establish a local renewable energy network, a practical off-grid solution can be realised through collaboration and investment among a variety of producers, suppliers, and consumers. The challenges of transportation and installation of biomethane boilers make it more difficult to use renewable gas in homes and for businesses. Ormonde Upgrading Limited project has developed a value chain for biomethane in the South East region, a new distributed business model that could solve the problem of determining an appropriate economic model for biomethane production, and increased awareness of renewable energy among urban consumers.
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