BIPforMaaS project

About this good practice
BIPforMaaS is a strategic project aiming to create favourable conditions for the deployment of MaaS in Turin and throughout the Piedmont Region, based on the existing innovative electronic ticketing system (BIP) for local public transport services (LPT) in the Region.
Several co-design sessions were coordinated by 5T to foster the dialogue with local stakeholders (local authorities / transport providers) to leveraging the digital transformation of the sector and defining clear rules for the market uptake of MaaS. Such activities led to the development of a common vision for the widespread of a MaaS ecosystem, whereby the role of public governance was indicated by stakeholders as a facilitating driver for MaaS to happen in a sustainable way; a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed to relaunch Piedmont's LPT and promote the evolution of the current BIP system to ensure better simplicity, flexibility and multimodality.
To investigate users’ propensity for MaaS, a survey was administered to 3,500 users; whilst the survey showed that the preferred transport means for home-to-work is LPT (55%), it also indicated the majority of respondents (71%) as interested users for pay-per-use mobility. When it comes to the specific services part of a mobility package implemented through MaaS, both urban and suburban users expressed a very high preference LPT services. These results confirm the pivotal role of public to ensure a sustainable MaaS vision to guarantee wide market uptake.
Expert opinion
Resources needed
For achieving the Protocol of Understanding, several meetings between local and transport authorities were chaired by 5T. For the survey, 3.500 interviews were held, followed by an in-depth results analysis.
Evidence of success
Several working groups were organized to share ideas and the steps to be taken to bring MaaS to the territory. Of fundamental importance was the acknowledging the role of public authorities in the governance of a MaaS system, which was formalized through the MoU. Since the main driver of MaaS development is the end user and their mobility rights, it is necessary for local authorities to play a leading role in facilitating and enabling the transformation towards digital and on-demand mobility.
Potential for learning or transfer
Once the common vision and the needs of the user side were defined, and the propensity to use a mobility app and mobility packages were identified, there seems to be scope to develop a common platform based on the defined needs and a long-term public-oriented vision. These are the enabling conditions for a sustainable MaaS model that can be offered as a practice to learn from.
Further information
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