C-Voucher – Circular Value Chains in European RIS3
Published on 11 August 2021
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About this good practice
C-Voucher is the first pan-European initiative adopting the concept of Circular Economy to redesign value chains. As part of the project, 66 SMEs are receiving support in their transition from linear towards circular value chain models. The direct vouchers will be used by companies on technology implementation and additional services will be provided by the consortium. Out of these, 24 SMEs will gain access to the Circularity Programme, an acceleration programme dedicated to SMEs that want to integrate new, circularity solutions and to transform their business models. NW RDA acts as Regional Innovation Hub representative, responsible for the design and management of the innovation vouchers Open Calls and for the support and coordination of assigned beneficiaries in the C-Voucher Acceleration Programme. After first call, 7 applications were submitted from Romania, and out of them, 2 companies completed the Circularity Value Replication Programme. A similar number of applications was recorded for the second call from Romania. Other three service and solution providers from the North-West region have signed up for the project – Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, INCDO-INOE 2000, Research Institute for Analytical Instrumentation Subsidiary and Institute for Research in Circular Economy and Environment Ernest Lupan. Other calls for projects and acceleration are being developed at the moment.
Expert opinion
This initiative aims to redesign value chain adopting the concept of Circular Economy. It provides innovation vouchers to support SME adapt their value chain models. Additional support is provided to those SMEs willing to adopt new circularity solutions to transform their business models. Public institutions in North-West Romania coordinate the innovation vouchers scheme. The initiative can inspire regions that aim to promote circular economic models into value chains.
Works at
Interreg Europe Policy Learning Platform
Resources needed
A dedicated NW RDA team and project budget of 152,000 EUR
Evidence of success
C-Voucher project is an example of successful cooperation between service providers and intermediary organizations in boosting the growth of the circular economy at the regional level. A large promotion effort has been conducted to attract SMEs to apply – one of them entered the acceleration program and further developed its business sector in the agro-food vertical.
Potential for learning or transfer
Such schemes provide new ways of support for SMEs in RIS3 priority sectors and can prove to have an impact on SMEs, as a pull factor for considering testing and further implementing new business models. Having an intermediary organisation such as NW RDA as service provider for SMEs can serve as an opportunity to draw strategic directions in new areas.
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North West Regional Development Agency
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