Cleaning service
About this good practice
This practice copes with the French national plan for green public procurement 2015-2020 as it sets an example for public authorities on how to use public procurement to promote a more ecological way of cleaning in their premises.
Hygiene and cleanliness are based on the periodic cleaning of surfaces and ambient air without causing new pollution through the abusive use of harmful methods or products. Certain environmental objectives have been identified for the procurement in order to improve the ecological quality of a premises cleaning service. This involves, on the one hand, ensuring the use of environmentally friendly products, consumables and materials when sites express the need to provide cleaning products and, on the other hand, implementing social and eco-responsible practices in the company providing the service. A genuine exchange is set up between the candidate and the contracting authority at all stages of the consultation in order to be able to agree on the ins and outs of the cleaning service. Internal controls are organised, through a sufficient number of qualified staff in permanent contact with the contracting authority, to ensure compliance with the obligation to achieve results on all premises.
The main actors and beneficiaries of the practice are the maintenance staff who carries out the cleaning service and the companies staff who benefit from the cleaning services.
Resources needed
Quality control, presence and replacement management as well as the human resources allocated, the working time on site and the distribution of assignments over a week are human resources necessary to set up the template.
Evidence of success
The model requires a certain level of environmental performance of the products: European eco-label or equivalent, dosage, concentration, biodegradability, prevention against certain substances, reuse of packaging and consumables.
It provides for regular training of maintenance personnel in work organization, equipment use, handling and proper posture, label reading, accident prevention, use of appropriate personal protective equipment, first aid.
Potential for learning or transfer
Regular training helps to educate maintenance staff to adopt environmentally friendly behaviors and use of products. Indeed, it seems important to have ecological products but even more important to learn how to use them in a more sustainable way.
Good practice owner
You can contact the good practice owner below for more detailed information.