DefMobil - a hailed shared taxi for an alpine valley
Published on 18 June 2018
This is the good practice's implementation level. It can be national, regional or local.
About this good practice
The hailed shared taxi system “DefMobil” operates in an alpine valley in East Tyrol and fills gaps in the mobility supply in three municipalities of the Defereggen Valley. Due to the mountain terrain with large differences in altitudes and a low population density due to the dispersed settlements in the valley, there was no possibility for starting a regular bus line because it would be too expensive and not affordable for the municipalities. As a result, the three municipalities located in the valley established an association ("Defereggental mobil") and launched a flexible transport solution that suits the physiographic and spatial conditions of the area. The main goals were to provide mobility at reasonable intervals for residents and tourists, to be able to offer an attractive alternative to private transport and to establish a cost-efficient and user-tailored mobility offer. The DefMobil operates according to a fixed time table, routing varies on demand. Users need to book via phone call one hour in advance. A strong cooperation between the three municipalities of the valley, the Regional Management East Tyrol, the local taxi operator, the Tourism Association East Tyrol, Government of Tyrol, Ministry of Austria (by funding) and the University of Natural Resources was cruical for the project development.
Expert opinion
In the area of on-demand mobility solutions for scarcely populated areas, this good practice is among the smallest-scale solutions.
Not only of interest to alpine valleys, the practice is certainly relevant for other areas with similar characteristics.
Most interesting elements:
- the cooperation between the neighboring municipalities
- the integration into the official public transport association
- the reduced pricing following the integration into the public transport of the province where all costs are averaged over all tickets and all participating municipalities
Not only of interest to alpine valleys, the practice is certainly relevant for other areas with similar characteristics.
Most interesting elements:
- the cooperation between the neighboring municipalities
- the integration into the official public transport association
- the reduced pricing following the integration into the public transport of the province where all costs are averaged over all tickets and all participating municipalities
Works at
Interreg Europe Policy Learning Platform
Resources needed
Investment and running operation cost approx. € 125.000/year, staff costs approx. € 75.000/year, material costs are € 31.000/year. The purchase of the vehicle was undertaken from the government of Tyrol (€ 50.000). Long-term financing was ensured after integration into the public transport system.
Evidence of success
Until 2017, more than 41 000 users of DefMobil were counted. In December 2017, the service was integrated into the provincial transport association of Tyrol, which overtakes the total financing of the running operation, the integration into provincial information policy as well as marketing duties. Also, the ticket prices have been unified and integrated into the overall ticket system. Therefore, the financial burden of the municipalities could be reduced.
Potential for learning or transfer
The DefMobil can be considered as a well-tried hailed dispatch, by the integration of the service into the regional public transport association and the multimodality by integration with other existing public transport systems. The DefMobil is a working mobility solution in a rural and alpine area offering people a flexible public transport supply with reasonable intervals and providing an alternative of individual transport for tourists. The implemented system is one of the measures provided to counteract the progressive depopulation of the area. The cooperation of different parties (municipalities, tourism association, government) is a further key element for a well-going flexible transport system that ensures long term financing.
Further information
Good practice owner
You can contact the good practice owner below for more detailed information.
Association "Defereggental mobil"
Regional Management East Tyrol