About this good practice
Electrical and electronic waste contains numerous raw materials-and Critical Raw Materials such as rare earths-that, if properly recycled, can be recovered and fed back into new production cycles. . Yet, most Italians are unaware of the environmental benefits of properly disposing of WEEE. In fact, research conducted by Ipsos for Erion shows that 81 percent of Italians keep an electronic device without using it, while 61 percent do not throw it away even if broken.
Eco Point was installed At the location of the former newsstand on Insorti d'Ungheria Avenue and it is now possible to drop off small WEEE such as, for example, tablets, PCs, smartphones, light bulbs, batteries and TVs. Offering citizens an efficient service The qualified staff assist the customer meanwhile they raise awareness of proper WEEE collection and, at the same time
The beneficiaries are the citizen of the municipality of Campobasso and its vast area. As deliver point and training due research, in fact, 39% think they can repair WEE Waste, while 30% think they can use its spare parts, 23% still say they do not know the correct disposal procedure, and 15% have difficulty reaching a collection center. In addition, 1 in 2 Italians still do not know the meaning of the word WEEE and 2 in 3 do not know how to properly dispose of their electrical and electronic waste.
Resources needed
Project RENEW, Project Parter ERION, financed by European Institute of Innovation and Technology (30.000 for the installation of good practice).
Evidence of success
From June 2022 at the ecopoint, 591 users were intercepted at the last detection with a savings of 7460 kg co2 and an energy saving of 40308 kWh with the collection of about 1550 screens and 1700 small devices and nearly 2000 Its. A great success in terms of delivery, in a strategic point of the city that combines the possibility of waste delivery with actions to raise awareness and information to citizens about the importance of recycling and recovery of materials from electronic waste.
Potential for learning or transfer
The eco point initiative as a pilot project has already been replicated in addition to Campobasso in the city of Milan and has potential for learning and transfer. The eco point is not only a learning point for the general public, who through contact with qualified personnel are able to obtain more details about the importance of recycling electronic components composed of resin and rare materials found in chips, but it is a learning opportunity for policy and research institutions, very useful the new data collected. The potential for transfer is high, as the solution is simple is can be adapted from a metropolis like Milan to even a small municipality like Campobasso. This first transfer of knowledge with the implementation of the eco point in Campobasso after Milan was then followed by technical transfer of knowledge through seminars and workshops to the municipality's institution and eco point operators.
Further information
Good practice owner
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