
Emilia-Romagna High Technology Network: tools and services
Published on 13 February 2018

This is the good practice's implementation level. It can be national, regional or local.
About this good practice
The High Technology Network of Emilia-Romagna, made up of 82 industrial research laboratories and 14 innovation centers, brings together academic institutes and private research centers of the region to provide expertise, tools and resources to the business sector. The Network, coordinated by Aster and organised in 6 thematic platforms, is the partner for the enterprises for developing innovative products, efficient processes, new technologies.
To improve the impact of the Network, Aster set up specific tools and services provided through web based applications, helping companies in finding competences, skills and resources meeting their innovation needs.
The tools include: a structured catalogue of research competences and a catalogue of scientific instruments, aimed at supporting the identification of the best laboratories to develop partnerships and collaborative projects; models and procedures to be used for signing research contracts; guidelines for managing IPR; a search engine to find researchers to be employed in industrial R&D departments; updated information on financial opportunities; a data base of technology reports illustrating concrete success collaboration cases between companies and laboratories, that can be transferred or customized for other companies.
All services are available through the website of the Network. A dashboard collecting the data related to all research contracts between laboratories and companies allows to monitor the volume of activit
To improve the impact of the Network, Aster set up specific tools and services provided through web based applications, helping companies in finding competences, skills and resources meeting their innovation needs.
The tools include: a structured catalogue of research competences and a catalogue of scientific instruments, aimed at supporting the identification of the best laboratories to develop partnerships and collaborative projects; models and procedures to be used for signing research contracts; guidelines for managing IPR; a search engine to find researchers to be employed in industrial R&D departments; updated information on financial opportunities; a data base of technology reports illustrating concrete success collaboration cases between companies and laboratories, that can be transferred or customized for other companies.
All services are available through the website of the Network. A dashboard collecting the data related to all research contracts between laboratories and companies allows to monitor the volume of activit
Expert opinion
The High Technology Network of Emilia-Romagna unites 104 industrial research laboratories and innovation centres, offering businesses access to advanced expertise and resources. Coordinated by ART-ER, the network provides tools such as a competences catalogue, equipment listings, and technology reports, facilitating effective collaboration between companies and research institutions. Since 2009, this initiative has facilitated over 6.800 contracts and 1.500 projects, generating €440 million in industrial research, underscoring its significant impact on regional innovation and economic growth.
Works at
Interreg Europe Policy Learning Platform
Resources needed
Human resources:
- Design and setting up of the Tools system required about 1 half time equivalent per 1 year
- To run the Tools and services: 4 full time equivalent dedicated to data collection, service providing, updating, promotion, maintenance
Equipments (hardware and software): 20.000 euro
- Design and setting up of the Tools system required about 1 half time equivalent per 1 year
- To run the Tools and services: 4 full time equivalent dedicated to data collection, service providing, updating, promotion, maintenance
Equipments (hardware and software): 20.000 euro
Evidence of success
High Technology Network is the keystone of the Emilia-Romagna Smart Specialization Strategy, enhancing the performance of the regional eco-innovation system. Tools and services implemented by Aster improved the effectiveness of the Network in enabling collaboration activities, resulting in more than 2500 research contracts activated in last 7 years between laboratories of the Network and enterprises, for a total amount of 156 million Euros
Potential for learning or transfer
The decision of the Emilia-Romagna Region to set up a network of industrial research and technology transfer structures, with a shared governance, has proven to be successful to increase the exploitation of the research and innovation potential available in the region. Such kind of networks can be created also in other contexts, if the commitment of all the actors of the regional ecosystem for research and innovation is assured. Once established, fundamental aspects are to create awareness in the industrial environment about the capabilities of the network and to facilitate the companies wishing to cooperate with it. The web tools and services implemented in our region for these purposes allow to have one single point for collection, validation and distribution of data and information concerning the whole network.
The public support for the implementation of these tools is a key factor to guarantee services free of charge for the local companies.
The public support for the implementation of these tools is a key factor to guarantee services free of charge for the local companies.
Further information
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European project manager