
Fish Migration
Published on 28 October 2021

This is the good practice's implementation level. It can be national, regional or local.
About this good practice
In order to grow up and reproduce, migratory fish need salt and fresh water. The Afsluitdijk makes it virtually impossible for these animals to migrate back and forth between the Wadden Sea and the IJsselmeer. Countless fish are waiting in the Wadden Sea before the sluices. They smell the fresh water, want to go there with all their might, but are usually unable to withstand the strong current. One of the main reasons why the stock of migratory fish is worryingly low. Fish will have no trouble finding the Vismigratier. They will follow the scent of the fresh or salt water. Strong swimmers such as shad, sea lamprey, flounder, sea trout and salmon swim independently to the other side of the dike. Weaker swimmers such as glass eel, smelt, three-spined stickleback and young fish can let themselves be carried away by the currents. The water in the 'river' follows the tides of the Wadden Sea and has different flow velocities. Because salt and fresh water meet in the Vismigratierier, the fish can gradually get used to the transition during their trip.
Resources needed
55.000.000 euro
Evidence of success
With the Afsluitdijk, it became almost impossible for fish to migrate back and forth between the Wadden Sea, IJsselmeer and the hinterland. Millions of fish are waiting in the Wadden Sea before the sluices. They smell the fresh water and want to go inside. But the current is usually too strong for these migratory fish to swim against. This is an important reason why migratory fish are doing so badly.
Potential for learning or transfer
Many countries encouraging this problem.
Further information
Good practice owner
You can contact the good practice owner below for more detailed information.
Province of Fryslan

Friesland (NL)
Interreg Coordinator/Project Manager Islands of Inniovation