GPP Consultation Sessions for Economic Operators
Published on 18 March 2020
This is the good practice's implementation level. It can be national, regional or local.
About this good practice
MEUSAC, together with the Ministry for the Environment, Sustainable Development and Climate Change (MESDC), organised a number of consultation session for economic operators on the revised GPP criteria which will be incorporated into the 2nd GPP National Action Plan (NAP).
Consultation sessions were organised for various sectors:
- Road Transport
- Cleaning
- Paints, Varnishes, and road Markings,
- Road lighting, traffic signals
The sessions aimed to
- inform bidders on the scope of the criteria being proposed,
- the key environmental impacts,
- discuss the core criteria being proposed at EU level and the verification and documentation needed by the prospective bidders to show GPP compliance.
Furthermore, the purpose of the sessions was to receive feedback from market players that could inform potential revisions of GPP criteria on a national level in the future.
Consultation sessions were organised for various sectors:
- Road Transport
- Cleaning
- Paints, Varnishes, and road Markings,
- Road lighting, traffic signals
The sessions aimed to
- inform bidders on the scope of the criteria being proposed,
- the key environmental impacts,
- discuss the core criteria being proposed at EU level and the verification and documentation needed by the prospective bidders to show GPP compliance.
Furthermore, the purpose of the sessions was to receive feedback from market players that could inform potential revisions of GPP criteria on a national level in the future.
Expert opinion
The practice is an encouraging example of raising awareness of and building knowledge on GPP and the revised GPP criteria in the National Action Plan on GPP by organising information sessions targeting different sectors. The practcie addresses a common need faced by many EU regions, i.e. insufficient knowledge of bidders about GPP requirements. The learning potential is also in the presentations and background notes for the GPP Consultation Sessions for a number of product groups. Therefore, this practice can serve as inspiration for other European regions and public sector stakeholders to launch similar initiatives.
Resources needed
No financial resources/funding as such is required for this best practice. However, human resources and staff time will be required to draw up a training syllabus, deliver the training, and assist economic operators with clarifications (estimation 40 – 80 hours per training).
Evidence of success
The information sessions on revised GPP criteria for the 2nd National GPP Action Plan were attended by hundreds of economic operators. Although figures for 2019 are not yet available, it is expected that the rate of participation in green tenders, and the rate of GPP compliant bids submitted will further increase in line with the trend of the previous years.
Potential for learning or transfer
Difficulties derived from the implementation of GPP requirements are common to all European regions. In fact a key deliverable of the GPP4Growth project titled A1.4 "Investigating the factors that influence businesses in key GPP4Growth sectors to participate in green tenders and contracts" highlighted the need for enhanced education and training programmes on GPP.
Presentations and background notes for the GPP Consultation Sessions for Economic Operators for a number of product groups are available in English and are therefore easily transferable to other sectors of relevance for Green Public Procurement.
Presentations and background notes for the GPP Consultation Sessions for Economic Operators for a number of product groups are available in English and are therefore easily transferable to other sectors of relevance for Green Public Procurement.
Further information
Good practice owner
You can contact the good practice owner below for more detailed information.
Ministry for Sustainable Development , the Environment and Climate Change (MSDEC)
Project Manager