Initial vocational training (VET) programmes modules for basic and secondary education pupils
About this good practice
This GP comprises the opportunities for general education pupils to study in separate modules of initial VET programmes. VET modules enable learners to obtain the qualifications they want by choosing the way and pace of learning that best suits them, rather than by following full consistent programme at once. Pupils have the possibility to choose the module(s) of the programme they are interested in from a list of programme modules at the appropriate qualification level (according to the Lithuanian Qualifications Framework levels). This initiative provides an opportunity to spend 3 to 6 weekly lessons on one or several vocational modules and to become familiarised with VET school facilities and training programmes, gain VET competences and try out work based learning. A pupil enrolled in a module(s) is registered in the Register of Pupils and as a pupil of general education school as well as pupil of VET institution. Upon completion of the specific module, the pupil receives a certificate of competence in accordance with the statutory procedures. The acquired competences allow him/her to engage in the relevant activity and, in the case of further training in that activity the same level of qualification and the same qualification the acquired competences are credited, so that the learner's competences are recognized and learning time is reduced. It is mandatory that a cooperation agreement be signed between general education school and VET education and training institution.
Resources needed
The indicative cost per student per credit approx 70 Eur. The modules range from 5 to 10 credits in I-II Gymnasium forms and from 10-20 credits in III-IV Gymnasium forms, spread over 2 years period. 1 credit consist of 27 academic hours (22 for contact learning, 5 hours for self-study).
Evidence of success
By cooperating general education and VET schools at the same time: raise the visibility of vocational training; increase the number of pupils who complete education in VET institutions; strengthens career guidance; resolves the issue of competition between general and VET education institutions.
The most measurable and demonstrative indicator is the number of Pupils opting for VET modules: 2020 - 576, 2021 - 786, 2022- 1390, 2023- 1642.
Potential for learning or transfer
The synergy between general education and VET schools encourages young people to choose occupations that are in high demand and will be needed in the future and that require a higher level of skills, follow green and digital transitions. By cooperating these schools raise the visibility of VET and, at the same time, increase the number of pupils who complete their education in vocational training institutions. Also, the cooperation focuses on the benefits of VET, and stress them not only for pupils in general education, but also for their parents, some of whom are still guided by persistent stereotypes that strongly influence their children's choices.
Cooperation between general education and VET schools strengthens career guidance and promotes vocational training and encourages young people to choose occupations that are and will be needed in the future and that require a higher level of skills. It also resolves the issue of competition between general and VET education institutions.
Further information
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