Lapland’s Green Deal –Fostering the Adoption of the Green Transition and Digitalization
Published on 03 December 2021
Pohjois- ja Itä-Suomi
This is the good practice's implementation level. It can be national, regional or local.
About this good practice
The aim was to use co-creation in building a roadmap that engages and empowers different industries, sectors, and actors to support the Green Transition in Lapland. Sets of common goals for future measures to support Green Transition and jointly agreed actions will be included in the regional strategic programs. The roadmap will also set the ground for implementing the structural programs in the region. The roadmap was developed based on the shared interest and commitment of key sectors, industries, and their actors and by making use of existing networks, clusters, and projects.
Regional Council of Lapland invited regional stakeholders to act to support the goal of Green Transition and voluntary agreements on Green Transition. Focus was on the sectors such as the energy transition and transport systems and to utilise the opportunities related to digitalisation and circular economy. Digitalisation is promoting and enabling the solutions fostering Green Transition–twin transition.
Lapland Green Deal development areas are focusing to support and develop
• carbon neutral economy
• energy transition
• low-emission transport and accessibility
• the nature protection and sustaining the nature biodiversity
• climate wise and responsible forest utilisation
• sustainable tourism a competitive force
• circular economy solutions
• local agrifood encouraging sustainability
Regional Council of Lapland invited regional stakeholders to act to support the goal of Green Transition and voluntary agreements on Green Transition. Focus was on the sectors such as the energy transition and transport systems and to utilise the opportunities related to digitalisation and circular economy. Digitalisation is promoting and enabling the solutions fostering Green Transition–twin transition.
Lapland Green Deal development areas are focusing to support and develop
• carbon neutral economy
• energy transition
• low-emission transport and accessibility
• the nature protection and sustaining the nature biodiversity
• climate wise and responsible forest utilisation
• sustainable tourism a competitive force
• circular economy solutions
• local agrifood encouraging sustainability
Expert opinion
The Regional Council of Lapland orchestrated a bottom-up approach to build a collectively agreed challenge-led agenda. This aims at supporting the regional transition towards a more sustainable and smarter low-carbon economy. The multiple and diverse regional stakeholders are engaged through co-creation practices to building the agenda as well as implementing and monitoring the roadmap. The Lapland Green deal represents an inclusive bottom-up approach to steer, implement, and monitor sustainability transition’s roadmaps. This can be exported in regions that have good governance and collaborative mindset (quadruple helix) across Europe.
Works at
Interreg Europe Policy Learning Platform
Resources needed
Resources needed are not yet planned in detail. Regional Council of Lapland has recruited one person, expert of sustainable development, as a result of the action. Also, regional cooperation group that works on legal grounds, has established a section of Green Transition that is supporting the work.
Evidence of success
The project increased the regional capacity to develop and put into action concrete measures to gain an impactful green and digital transition.
The implementation and monitoring of the roadmap into the practise are supported by nominated Green deal ambassadors and regional Green deal working group involving regional ecosystem actors such as regional and local authorities, policymakers, clusters, companies, education and RDI organisations.
The implementation and monitoring of the roadmap into the practise are supported by nominated Green deal ambassadors and regional Green deal working group involving regional ecosystem actors such as regional and local authorities, policymakers, clusters, companies, education and RDI organisations.
Potential for learning or transfer
Lapland Green Deal is an example about:
• good inclusive governance practise engaging and empowering the regional stake-holders
• a well implemented co-creation process evolving different kind of stakeholders joining to common dialog and challenge solving
• interpretation of the green and digital transition in order to create common under-standing
• good inclusive governance practise engaging and empowering the regional stake-holders
• a well implemented co-creation process evolving different kind of stakeholders joining to common dialog and challenge solving
• interpretation of the green and digital transition in order to create common under-standing
Further information
Good practice owner
You can contact the good practice owner below for more detailed information.
Regional Council of Lapland
Pohjois- ja Itä-Suomi
Development director