Las Palmas Ciudad del Mar
Published on 09 April 2019

This is the good practice's implementation level. It can be national, regional or local.
About this good practice
Problem addressed: maritime pollution and business/population awareness concerning sea protection and the opportunities it offers.
How reach its objectives: Develop the City of the Sea (ciudad del mar) 2030 strategy through innovative and concrete actions in the maritime environment, from the sustainability to the CO2 reduction by taking advantage of the opportunities the sea offers for the reactivation of the city.
In particular; increase local GDP through Blue Economy development aiming to double the added GDP value of maritime sector in 2020. Increase GDP up to 4% (3.132 Million €).
How it is implemented: coordinating public and private action and generating new spaces for private investment through different action plans.
• Undertaking university research programs on climate change impact and sea protection as well as educational school children programs. .
• Promoting sustainable activities linking the sea to citizens and local business (i.e. sports and sea,).
• Creating new business opportunities towards innovative sustainable maritime sector. (i.e. New Aquarium poem of the sea, launch the first accelerator focused on the sea and technology, a Marine Park and a sustainable sports center)
• Open the city to the sea and create a protocol of water pollution.
Main stakeholders and beneficiaries of the practice: public and private business, citizenship and universities.
How reach its objectives: Develop the City of the Sea (ciudad del mar) 2030 strategy through innovative and concrete actions in the maritime environment, from the sustainability to the CO2 reduction by taking advantage of the opportunities the sea offers for the reactivation of the city.
In particular; increase local GDP through Blue Economy development aiming to double the added GDP value of maritime sector in 2020. Increase GDP up to 4% (3.132 Million €).
How it is implemented: coordinating public and private action and generating new spaces for private investment through different action plans.
• Undertaking university research programs on climate change impact and sea protection as well as educational school children programs. .
• Promoting sustainable activities linking the sea to citizens and local business (i.e. sports and sea,).
• Creating new business opportunities towards innovative sustainable maritime sector. (i.e. New Aquarium poem of the sea, launch the first accelerator focused on the sea and technology, a Marine Park and a sustainable sports center)
• Open the city to the sea and create a protocol of water pollution.
Main stakeholders and beneficiaries of the practice: public and private business, citizenship and universities.
Expert opinion
Las Palmas Ciudad del Mar 2030 is a strategy to promote sustainable maritime activities in Las Palmas, Canary Islands, Spain. For coastal cities around Europe, the blue economy offers many opportunities not only in established maritime sectors such as ports, shipbuilding, transport… but also in innovative, sustainable, and emerging sectors. To fully take benefit of the blue economy, it requires a comprehensive strategy that includes public-private initiatives, university-industry initiatives, educational programs, awareness programs, start-up programs, an updated regulatory framework… The strategy Las Palmas Ciudad del Mar 2030 can be included in benchmarking exercises for coastal cities devising their blue economy strategies.
Works at
Interreg Europe Policy Learning Platform
Resources needed
Funded by the City Council, but it also counts with funded activities by EU programs (such as COSME,H2020, Civitas, Erasmus+), agreements with Higher Education Centers such as LSE, as well as with the regional government. The department of City of the Sea counts with a budget of 8 Million € for 2018
Evidence of success
Employment creation and richness have allowed to transform the city into an innovative smart blue city. 1. Democratize the sea (educational & rising awareness activities through the program “Playa Viva Educa”, more than 4.000 scholars; maritime activities such as nautical sports or explanatory walks along the coast, more than 200.000 people; 2. Growth and employment (Blue economy has increased 3% of annual average). 3. Sea sustainability (learning activities, reduce CO2 footprint and wind energy
Potential for learning or transfer
This initiative is focused in more innovative sustainable models linking the sea to the city, thus this model can be transferred to other coastal cities.
• By bringing together maritime business, citizens and research institutions
• By drafting activities program addressed to link citizens to sea under sustainable principles
• By promoting maritime prevention, through universities innovative research models applied to sustainable nautical/maritime business models
• By bringing together maritime business, citizens and research institutions
• By drafting activities program addressed to link citizens to sea under sustainable principles
• By promoting maritime prevention, through universities innovative research models applied to sustainable nautical/maritime business models
Further information
Good practice owner
You can contact the good practice owner below for more detailed information.
Las Palmas City Council

Projects manager