LIFE EcosystemServices: Ecosystem Services Assessment Methodology (ESAM)
Published on 28 June 2021
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About this good practice
The main aim of the “LIFE EcosystemServices” (LIFE) project is to promote the evaluation of ecosystem services based on a sustainable decision making for the Latvian (Baltic Sea) coastal policy and planning documents, as well as to increase public awareness about ecosystem services. The Ecosystem Services Assessment Methodology (ESAM) which is developed within the LIFE project provides an innovative approach for the territorial planning processes in coastal areas, thus, ensuring the balance between environmental protection, biodiversity conservation, as well as social and economic aspects. The ESAM comprises 22 ecosystem services’ indicators divided into 3 groups: 1) provisioning services; 2) regulating and supporting services; 3) cultural services. Based on these indicators the biophysical assessment was carried out and produced possible development scenarios for piloting two Baltic Sea coastal areas (Saulkrasti – 132.86 ha; Jaunķemeri – 90.85 ha; both areas are specially protected Natura 2000 sites in coastal territories).
For economic evaluation of ecosystem services, the LIFE project approbated methods, which were considered as the most suitable: Market Price Method; Travel Cost Method; Benefit Transfer Method. These methods based on 22 ecosystem services` indicators were used to determine the economic value of ecosystem services in EUR/ha.
For economic evaluation of ecosystem services, the LIFE project approbated methods, which were considered as the most suitable: Market Price Method; Travel Cost Method; Benefit Transfer Method. These methods based on 22 ecosystem services` indicators were used to determine the economic value of ecosystem services in EUR/ha.
Expert opinion
Ecosystem services are conditions and processes through which natural ecosystems, and the species that comprise them, sustain and fulfill human life. Europe’s ecosystems, on which we depend for food, timber, clean air, clean water, climate regulation and recreation, suffer from unrelenting pressure caused by intensive land or sea use, climate change, pollution, overexploitation and invasive alien species. Protecting ecosystems and biodiversity are key policy targets in EU’s biodiversity strategy for 2030 and the European Green Deal. The Ecosystem Services Assessment Methodology (ESAM) presented in this good practice was developed to address the need for ecosystem protection and to inform Latvian coastal policy and planning. ESAM enables measurement of ecosystems’ financial value and influence more efficient land governance. The methodology can easily be transferred to other coastal regions or adapted for use in non-coastal areas.
Works at
Interreg Europe Policy Learning Platform
Resources needed
Total funding of the EU LIFE+ programme project LIFE13 ENV/LV/000839: 753 290 EUR;
Staff Costs: 423 300 EUR;
Travel Costs: 27 900 EUR;
External Assistance Costs: 171 000 EUR;
Biophysical Assessment Costs: 48 473 EUR (216,68 EUR/ha);
Economic Evaluation Costs: 115 459 EUR (516,11 EUR/ha).
Staff Costs: 423 300 EUR;
Travel Costs: 27 900 EUR;
External Assistance Costs: 171 000 EUR;
Biophysical Assessment Costs: 48 473 EUR (216,68 EUR/ha);
Economic Evaluation Costs: 115 459 EUR (516,11 EUR/ha).
Evidence of success
ESAM methodology and “Toolkit for using the ecosystem services approach in planning” ( for ecosystems evaluation in coastal areas has been developed and can be used by coastal municipalities. Recommendations obtained during the approbation of ESAM have been developed and integrated in the planning documents:
Saulkrasti municipality Development Programme 2014 – 2020;
Nature Management Plan for Natura 2000 site – Nature Park “Piejūra”.
Saulkrasti municipality Development Programme 2014 – 2020;
Nature Management Plan for Natura 2000 site – Nature Park “Piejūra”.
Potential for learning or transfer
The LIFE project produced the methodology (ESAM) and the ESAM toolkit for evaluating ecosystem services in coastal areas. The ESAM provides a possibility to measure ecosystem services in monetary terms. Therefore, by using the ESAM, more efficient governance of the land use can be achieved which could also be valuable for other regions. Even though this GP has a greater potential for being transferred to coastal areas, the framework of ESAM can also be adjusted for evaluating ecosystem services in non-coastal areas by using these indicators: 1) provisioning services; 2) regulating services; and 3) cultural services.
The awareness raising activities, such as the development of Nature Design Park, as well as designed educational and visual materials can also serve as an inspiration for raising the awareness on environmental protection and for enhancing ecosystem services in other regions.
The awareness raising activities, such as the development of Nature Design Park, as well as designed educational and visual materials can also serve as an inspiration for raising the awareness on environmental protection and for enhancing ecosystem services in other regions.
Further information
Good practice owner
You can contact the good practice owner below for more detailed information.
Nature Conservation Agency of Latvia