Living In Place Innovation Infrastructure: LebensPhasenHaus (LPH)
Published on 04 January 2019
This is the good practice's implementation level. It can be national, regional or local.
About this good practice
Social, technical and digital innovations enable living in place for an ageing population. Both the ITHACA project and the LPH work to increase awareness of and scale smart healthcare solutions.
At the LPH stakeholders can develop, test, experience and inform themselves about assistive technologies and services for aging in place.
Main stakeholders and beneficiaries include the interested public as well as relevant experts and actors from the political, commercial and scientific realms, depending on the concerned area. All stakeholders benefit not only from knowledge transfer and a more informed and aware public, but also from inclusive design, service development processes and the delivery of empowering technologies and co-designed services.
The LPH facilitates the development and deployment of relevant solutions and increases the awareness towards user-centered and outcome-based products. Through targeted events and a real-life environment to demonstrate already existing technologies, knowledge transfer is enhanced as well as training and awareness levels of stakeholders and decision makers. Most importantly, activities are not about technology but about supporting individual people.
The LPH received initial funding of € 550,000 by the Ministry of Social Affairs in Baden Württemberg for a 3-year period.
At the LPH stakeholders can develop, test, experience and inform themselves about assistive technologies and services for aging in place.
Main stakeholders and beneficiaries include the interested public as well as relevant experts and actors from the political, commercial and scientific realms, depending on the concerned area. All stakeholders benefit not only from knowledge transfer and a more informed and aware public, but also from inclusive design, service development processes and the delivery of empowering technologies and co-designed services.
The LPH facilitates the development and deployment of relevant solutions and increases the awareness towards user-centered and outcome-based products. Through targeted events and a real-life environment to demonstrate already existing technologies, knowledge transfer is enhanced as well as training and awareness levels of stakeholders and decision makers. Most importantly, activities are not about technology but about supporting individual people.
The LPH received initial funding of € 550,000 by the Ministry of Social Affairs in Baden Württemberg for a 3-year period.
Expert opinion
The LebensPhasenHaus (LPH) is a physical space to promote co-creation, experimentation, product and service demonstration and testing, in the domain of the ‘silver economy’. Indeed, active and healthy ageing will increasingly require assisted age-friendly infrastructures and digital healthcare solutions. The LPH facilitates the development and deployment of assistive age-friendly solutions by involving end-users, working as a testbed, and diffusing knowledge related to the silver economy. A public-private partnership is a potential way to fund such innovation infrastructures. The good practice points out the importance of having a coordinator to bring together a wide range of different stakeholders.
Works at
Interreg Europe Policy Learning Platform
Resources needed
Such an innovation infrastructure is quite resource intensive (space, furnishings, equipment, technology, maintenance, utilities and staff), therefore private/public partnerhips are necessary.
Required funds range between €1,5 – 2 Mio for the first 3 years, depending on the scope of activities.
Required funds range between €1,5 – 2 Mio for the first 3 years, depending on the scope of activities.
Evidence of success
Professional and private groups regularly visit and use the house (average 3 groups of 7 people per week). Since May 2015, on average 22 visitors tour the house each week with the help of Senior Technology Advisors (STAs), who open the house to the general public. A monthly speaker series attracts on average 35 people on a diversity of topics. The LPH was a lever for variety of research projects (a total of 9) at the regional, national and European level.
Potential for learning or transfer
A lack of awareness and proficiency decreases the opportunity in regions to benefit from innovations. The LPH aims to overcome the existing barriers towards scaling smart healthcare solutions and support key stakeholders to 1) increase knowledge and know-how, 2) engage in open innovation through collaboration 3) have access to a space for effective experimentation and learning, 4) open towards demand-driven and mission-oriented innovation, 5) develop viable solutions for living in place, 2) enhance public services and information flow to the policy makers for an effective implementation and adoption and 3) facilitate the economic growth inside and outside the region through (interregional) open innovation network.
For the transfer to be successful, regions not only need the infrastructure but also skilled orchestrators who can bring together a diversity of stakeholders from policy, research, commerce and the civil society for collaborative, open innovation activities.
For the transfer to be successful, regions not only need the infrastructure but also skilled orchestrators who can bring together a diversity of stakeholders from policy, research, commerce and the civil society for collaborative, open innovation activities.
Further information
Good practice owner
You can contact the good practice owner below for more detailed information.
University of Tübingen
Project Manager