Low cost actions to mobilize citizens in climate adaptation
About this good practice
The city must meet a number of climate objectives. Per inhabitant: 1m² to be desealed, plant 1 tree, provide 1m³ water infiltration and 0.5 m of hedge and/or facade garden. Provide 1 flower bed per 1000 inhabitants. To this end, the city is running various actions in which citizens/neighbourhoods can participate.
‘Behaag Roeselare’: joint purchase campaign to acquire planting material (a hedge or tree) at wholesale prices.
Love tree promotion: free trees/shrubs are distributed on Valentine's Day (in collaboration with the NGO Meer Bomen In Roeselare)
Facade gardens: If more than 8 people in a street opt for a facade garden, the city constructs them and pays for the plants. Citizens are also encouraged, independently of this joint project, to create a facade garden.
Neighbourhood challenges presented challenges to districts to achieve the above objectives
1. Organize workshops for/together with 20 people each on:
crafting a bee hotel and earwig pot, nest boxes and feeding boards
planting of flower bulbs in the neighbourhood
the climate garden at which the garden rangers can introduce themselves
2. Participate in the actions and report your numbers of bird or butterfly counting
10 gardens participate in don’t mow in May;
3. Motivate the entire district/neighbourhood/street to plant hollyhocks and sunflowers in the joint between the footpath and wall/front garden
the city complies with Flemish policy
the citizen lives in a more climate resilient city
Expert opinion
Resources needed
Staff deployment: on average 10 hours/week
- Neighbourhood challenges: 500 euros/district
- Behaag Roeselare: 0 euros
- Love tree promotion: 5000 euros
- Facade garden: 160€/m. When more facade gardens are implemented per action, the cost per facade garden becomes cheaper
Evidence of success
• 3 neighbourhoods participated in the challenges
• Valentine campaign: 2250 bushes
2022-2023: 2 facade garden projects completed with 27 houses. In addition, another 29 people created a facade garden themselves in 2022-2023
• Behaag Roeselare: 26 trees and 1296 hedge plants (good for 324m of hedges)
• Valentine campaign: 2525 fruit trees
• facade gardens 3 streets with a total of 48 participants, 12 individual actions
• Valentine campaign: 2600 bushes
Potential for learning or transfer
We can share the different approaches taken on how to involve citizens through small scale actions. Other regions can benefit from our experience, lessons learned and the way we address encountered challenges.
Further information
Good practice owner
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