Low-emission Local Bus Station of Rzeszów

About this good practice
The area in which the bus station was built did not meet the infrastructural or sanitary conditions to meet the communication requirements of the city of Rzeszów, therefore the area was modernized and a modern, environmentally friendly urban communication infrastructure was built, i.e. an intelligent bus station building covered with a ventilated façade with photovoltaic panels and powered by a heat pump. The remaining infrastructure, e.g. bus shelters, is also equipped with photovoltaic panels. Solar energy is used for lighting/heating/cooling the bus station building and powering intelligent solutions such as: interactive information boards, station monitoring system and CCTV monitoring. The design of the station management system was carried out by ML System and Asseco Data Systems companies on behalf of Public Transport Authority of Rzeszów.
The practice is one of the elements of sustainable urban transport in the city of Rzeszów. It also contributes to promoting low-emission energy, increasing the use of renewable energy sources for energy production and reducing CO2 emissions in the region.
Stakeholders: Commune of the City of Rzeszów, carriers, entrepreneurs from the construction sector, IT, Public Transport Authority of Rzeszów.
Beneficiaries: residents of Rzeszów and the surrounding areas, local carriers.
Resources needed
The project value: approx. 4 600 000,00 EUR. Funds: Eastern Poland Operational Program for 2014-2020 (85%) and public funds.
Human resources: experts from the public sector, construction (designers, constructors, construction supervision), IT and supply sectors were involved in the investment
Evidence of success
The measurable products presented below indicate the success of the investment. These are: reduction of CO2 emissions, increase in energy production from RES, increased number of users (travelers).
The investment is not only an innovative, environmentally friendly example of the use of renewable energy in public places, but also the region's desire to achieve low emissions through the development of sustainable urban transport.
Potential for learning or transfer
The key factors for a successful practice are:
- increase in the use of renewable energy in the region,
- reduction of energy production and CO2 emissions in public buildings,
- re-development of an area that previously inappropriately served as a transfer hub of Rzeszów, friendly to the environment and the inhabitants of the city and its surroundings,
- improvement of conditions and accessibility - increase in the number of users and inclusion of the bus station in the Rzeszów Communication Center
Good practice owner
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