Mind the Gap – Business transformation and Skills needs identification tool

About this good practice
The Mind the Gap Tool’s main aim is to assess the present situation in an organisation/a company and then to also look at the organisation’s future vision and goals driven by the Twin Transition. Through the Mind the Gap tool we can then identify which skills and competences are needed as part of the Twin transition, in the short and the long term.
It also assists in planning and implementing strategic skills management so organisations can achieve favourable conditions for their plans for growth as part of their journey within the twin transition.
The result from the Mind the Gap process becomes a mapping of skills and competence needs, firstly to the participating organisation/company, and then secondarily also information and data for the public sector, education- and VET-providers etc.
Expert opinion
Resources needed
Time for dissemination and marketing.
Training in facilitating of the GP: 10h/person (facilitator). A Mind the Gap facilitator needs experience in business coaching or have the capability to apply coaching methods in the workshops.
Facilitating: 10 hours (incl. planning, 2 workshops and summarizing)
Evidence of success
Mind the Gap has proved very popular in a number of regions incl. in Belgium, Norway and Scotland. The tool assists in identifying specific needs in the business region and offers collective results accessible to the education system and VET providers. It has been used as part of several other EU-funded projects (Interreg North Sea, ESF, ERDF) and more than 350 Mind the Gap analyses have been done to date.
See film: https://youtu.be/OUAv2At-JrQ
Potential for learning or transfer
Many regions have experienced a mismatch when it comes to skills needs contra the types of educational (VET) courses that are on offer in the regional education systems. The Mind the Gap tool assists in identifying specific needs in the business region and in doing so offers collective results that could be made available to the education system and VET providers. In this way Mind the Gap also assists in matching between supply and demand when it comes to skills development and VET. The digital Mind the Gap tool is already translated to English and is easy to use and apply.
Mind the Gap is a “neutral” tool, easy to use, and already translated into English. It can be adapted and used in different regions and different branches. Examples of other regions with similar challenges, that have tried the Mind the Gap tool are, Scotland (the regional council of Fife & cluster organisations), Norway (Vestlands Fylkeskommune & Nordfjordsakademin) and Belgium (province of Antwerp & VET-providers).
Further information
SKYLA Best Practice from Region Skåne and IUC Syd

Good practice owner
You can contact the good practice owner below for more detailed information.