New concept of the Public Transport Network /Bus
Published on 31 January 2018
This is the good practice's implementation level. It can be national, regional or local.
About this good practice
The Saale-Holzland-County has a very inhomogeneous settlement structure; e.g. 64 of 195 villages have less than 100 inhabitants. Additionally the number of inhabitants will decrease by 15% till 2030.
The commuter flows show a strong orientation on central places. The largest intertwines exist with the cities of Jena and Gera in the neighboring counties.
The Public transport network is a „historic grown“ network which is highly forked with an unstructured travel offer and a small number of users. The network is mainly driven by pupil transport.
Main goal was to restructure the network in order to allow that
“Every citizen should have a minimum range of mobility options available by public transport, irrespective of the availability an individual car.”
Further objectives: reduction or at least stabilization of subsidies
direct connection of all villages to at least one central city secure connections to the regional rail transport (Intermodality) enhancement of accessibility increase of timetable clarity and notability.
The existing network was divided into a main network, a first and a second order supplementary network. The main network should guarantee a hourly tacted traffic with similar departure- and arrival times and definded connections and transfer relations to the regional railways. Direct lines with daily services should be implemented with barrierfree coaches. On the supplementary network the services will be compressed in a demand oriented way.
The commuter flows show a strong orientation on central places. The largest intertwines exist with the cities of Jena and Gera in the neighboring counties.
The Public transport network is a „historic grown“ network which is highly forked with an unstructured travel offer and a small number of users. The network is mainly driven by pupil transport.
Main goal was to restructure the network in order to allow that
“Every citizen should have a minimum range of mobility options available by public transport, irrespective of the availability an individual car.”
Further objectives: reduction or at least stabilization of subsidies
direct connection of all villages to at least one central city secure connections to the regional rail transport (Intermodality) enhancement of accessibility increase of timetable clarity and notability.
The existing network was divided into a main network, a first and a second order supplementary network. The main network should guarantee a hourly tacted traffic with similar departure- and arrival times and definded connections and transfer relations to the regional railways. Direct lines with daily services should be implemented with barrierfree coaches. On the supplementary network the services will be compressed in a demand oriented way.
Expert opinion
Fragementation of providers of different public transport solutions is a reality in many regions. Bringing together all these solutions and shaping a global transport offer according to a number of common parameters and in view of saitsfying the customer is a difficult exercise of coordination and political will.
This good practice from Thuringia has shown that it is possible and that the outcome is a more user-friendly public transport network that is yielding global cost savings while counting with higher users numbers.
Planning and strategy should clearly come first before random investments are made.
This good practice from Thuringia has shown that it is possible and that the outcome is a more user-friendly public transport network that is yielding global cost savings while counting with higher users numbers.
Planning and strategy should clearly come first before random investments are made.
Works at
Interreg Europe Policy Learning Platform
Resources needed
The revision of the regional transport plan as well as the organisation / reorganisation of public transport are regular responsibilities of the county administration.
Evidence of success
Yearly Subsidies lowered from 2,5 auf 2,1 Mio. €
Road kilometer increased by 200.000
Employees increased by 10 %
Average age of Bus fleet lowered from 12 to 10 years
Road kilometer increased by 200.000
Employees increased by 10 %
Average age of Bus fleet lowered from 12 to 10 years
Potential for learning or transfer
The practice shows that an integrated concept for the restructuring of the PT network proves feasible and successful even in regions with unfavourable framework conditions for public transport, above all low population density and a shrinking number of inhabitants. Concerted measures led to a significant reduction of public subsidies needed to cover the operational costs, while the level of service improved at the same time. As a result the number of passenger increased. Experiences made in the County are an encouraging example that a well planned and demand oriented public transport network is a valid tool to raise the modal share of public transport also in rural and peripheral areas.
Further information
Good practice owner
You can contact the good practice owner below for more detailed information.
Thuringian Ministry of Labour