
Odyssea Caraibes Blue Growth
Published on 12 December 2018

This is the good practice's implementation level. It can be national, regional or local.
About this good practice
The Odyssea Caraibes Blue Growth project is an operational contribution to the blue growth sector in order to promote employment in coastal and maritime areas in Martinique and the Caribbean. The project is funded through the INTERREG Caraibes program. It aims to promote cooperation between blue growth companies (yachting, cruising, fishing...), research centres, sustainable development stakeholders and training partners. The project seeks to improve the attractiveness and competitiveness of the companies involved. The main activities are the following:
- Innovative and eco-friendly investments in order to improve the amenities of and around ports and marinas;
- Development of thematic itineraries in order to promote the natural and economical assets of our destination through digital mediation;
- Development of a quality plan for our ports of call and tourism sector: services and reception upgrade;
- Promotion of Eco-mobility;
- Development of a "blue tourism cluster" to gather and get the private sector involved in the project;
- Professional training and employment;
The partnership is regional and includes Colombia, Mexico, Cuba, Caribbean islands and also French Guyana.
- Innovative and eco-friendly investments in order to improve the amenities of and around ports and marinas;
- Development of thematic itineraries in order to promote the natural and economical assets of our destination through digital mediation;
- Development of a quality plan for our ports of call and tourism sector: services and reception upgrade;
- Promotion of Eco-mobility;
- Development of a "blue tourism cluster" to gather and get the private sector involved in the project;
- Professional training and employment;
The partnership is regional and includes Colombia, Mexico, Cuba, Caribbean islands and also French Guyana.
Resources needed
The total cost of the project is 3.077.172 EUR. INTERREG Caraibes ERDF funds are up to 2.307.879 EUR. The project team will include a manager, communication officer and the creation of a committee representing all the partners.
Evidence of success
The partnership will allow the creation of a Blue Tourism Cluster in order to generate new modes of public and private cooperation, develop new business opportunities and increase the international competitiveness of SMEs in the nautical and port sector. Improved connectivity between the destinations is also an expected result of the project.
Potential for learning or transfer
The project is able to respond to a real challenge: to collectively find at the Caribbean scale new economic, social, innovation, environmental common models that concern the tourism industry and blue growth. Working on a common blue economy tourism project is a big challenge on a transnational scale. The ecosystem of transnational nautical routes is a tool able to tackle that difficulty. Ecotourism has long been underestimated and is now perceived as a real sector for local development. Nautical multi-destination as promoted in the project is a great way forward, moving from the rank of informal leisure to a real touristic approach generating economic value and employment at the local level.
Further information
Good practice owner
You can contact the good practice owner below for more detailed information.
Communauté d'Agglomération de l'Espace Sud Martinique

Project Officer