Open Innovation Call
Published on 04 February 2019
This is the good practice's implementation level. It can be national, regional or local.
About this good practice
In the recent past the Northern Netherlands have created several innovation environments and hubs. During Beyond peer review meetings it was concluded that they could become more effective as vehicles for continuous Entrepreneurial Discovery Processes.
Discussions with the Beyond EDP project partners and experts, as Dominique Foray and the EC’s Joint Research Centre, inspired SNN to design a new support instrument to foster these processes: to stimulate businesses, knowledge partners and society stay in a continuous interaction, to foster cooperation and to increase the chances for discoveries.
There was a technical reason as well to create the Open Innovation Call.
SNN felt that most support instruments within Structural Funds programmes, were too directive in advance, hampering the creativity of the actors involved.
The main novelty of the Call is that it is directive not in terms of activities or actions - for which to receive funding or not, as usually is the case with support instruments - but objectives
The logic of the call starts with a strictly defined objective. What follows is an open invitation for consortia to come up with initiatives which contribute to the objective. Crucial is that it’s up to the consortia to define the initiative, that is how to reach the objective. Nothing is defined in advance. All actions or activities which form an indispensable element of the project are eligible. This of course subject to basic rules, in line with EU Regulations.
Discussions with the Beyond EDP project partners and experts, as Dominique Foray and the EC’s Joint Research Centre, inspired SNN to design a new support instrument to foster these processes: to stimulate businesses, knowledge partners and society stay in a continuous interaction, to foster cooperation and to increase the chances for discoveries.
There was a technical reason as well to create the Open Innovation Call.
SNN felt that most support instruments within Structural Funds programmes, were too directive in advance, hampering the creativity of the actors involved.
The main novelty of the Call is that it is directive not in terms of activities or actions - for which to receive funding or not, as usually is the case with support instruments - but objectives
The logic of the call starts with a strictly defined objective. What follows is an open invitation for consortia to come up with initiatives which contribute to the objective. Crucial is that it’s up to the consortia to define the initiative, that is how to reach the objective. Nothing is defined in advance. All actions or activities which form an indispensable element of the project are eligible. This of course subject to basic rules, in line with EU Regulations.
Expert opinion
The Open Innovation Call is a programme that follows a mission-oriented innovation policy approach. Indeed, the Open Innovation Call focuses on specific goals and problem-specific regional challenges rather than focusing on specific industrial sectors. The selected projects must follow a collaborative approach, an integrated approach, generate business creation, have a lasting impact, and generate social significance. External experts from—the private sector, the public sector, and universities—select the projects.
Suggestions for potential Good Practice transfer:
-The Open Innovation Call follows a mission-oriented innovation policy approach with one of its main objectives to spur radical innovations. This type of initiative is more relevant for regions that are ranked as Innovation Leaders in the Regional Innovation Scoreboard as those regions already have the critical mass of innovative actors and a well-functioning innovation ecosystem to support the next wave of disruptive innovations.
Suggestions for potential Good Practice transfer:
-The Open Innovation Call follows a mission-oriented innovation policy approach with one of its main objectives to spur radical innovations. This type of initiative is more relevant for regions that are ranked as Innovation Leaders in the Regional Innovation Scoreboard as those regions already have the critical mass of innovative actors and a well-functioning innovation ecosystem to support the next wave of disruptive innovations.
Works at
Interreg Europe Policy Learning Platform
Resources needed
The Call has a budget of € 20 million for two years. Of this amount € 12 million is funded by ERDF, € 8 million by national public money. The contribution is maximized at 40% of the total eligible costs.
Evidence of success
The Open Innovation Call was highly welcomed by stakeholders in the Northern Netherlands. Several initiatives have taken since the introduction. Of the total budget about €5 million have been allocated so far. The Call has received much attention outside of the region as well, for instance by the EC's Joint Research Center. In 2018 the call was presented at a workshop during the EWRC in Brussels.
Potential for learning or transfer
The Open Innovation Call is a support instrument within the Northern Netherlands Regional ERDF Operational Programme 2014-2020. The OP and Call aim at thematic objectives 1.b and 4.F. Potentially the Call is transferable to each ERDF OPin the European Union with similar objectives. In terms of technique - the design of assessment criteria - the applicability is even wider.
Further information
Good practice owner
You can contact the good practice owner below for more detailed information.
Northern Netherlands Provinces Alliance
Programme manager