Open R&D centres in Lithuania.
About this good practice
According to the national rules, all government funded R&D equipment in the science and business valleys must be available for the public on open basis access. For this reason, universities and research institutes had established open access R&D centres with laboratories, where business and public partners can access the newest R&D resources, including the most advanced technologies and get highest quality services from them. There is a minimum of 40% yearly threshold of income to be from servicing SMEs or civil society (private individuals).
The open R&D network has launched a web platform for cooperation among 14 Lithuanian universities, 13 public research institutes as well as 8 science and technology parks. All these institutions have concentrated their high-level R&D intellectual potential, infrastructure and resources in so called "Open R&D Lithuania" project.
The e-science gateway platform ( have been launch in order to simplify the access to the information about R&D laboratories and their services. Using a ‘single point of contact’ principle, R&D information system provides advanced electronic services to help Lithuanian and foreign business undertakings, science and study institutions, researchers and stakeholders as well.
Expert opinion
The practice exemplifies how an “open access” approach to publicly funded R&D infrastructure can be carried out; along with the necessary IT-solutions to simplify access. It highlights the value to SMEs and the civil society, and the stipulated minimum share of income from servicing these target groups is an interesting aspect of the practice. The potential of transfer is good, and it could inspire R&D infrastructures implementing open access.
Resources needed
Human resources for:
- coordination common databases of open access R&D laboratories and services.
- evaluation of information about on-going open resources and services.
- provision of open access business model and rules
- management of registrations and compliance with servicing agreements.
Evidence of success
In total 25 Open R&D centres now are operating under open access rules. During the 2013-2015 period, there 56 open R&D services provided and generated in total 10,8 mln. Euro of income by all Open R&D centres.
Potential for learning or transfer
A well-performing open R&D network depends on these factors:
- local and regional business readiness to invent or innovate,
- size of initial R&D service or project,
- external resources to fund these type of R&D services,
- a mutual understanding of the research matters, such as “trust”, “confidentiality” and “openness”.
Good practice owner
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