Paaco-Globule: the Nouvelle-Aquitaine digital healthcare coordination service
About this good practice
Paaco Globule is the result of the "Older people at risk of losing their independence" (PAERPA) and "Territory of Digital Care" (TSN) national programmes. It has been set up to ensure that all people suffering from loss of autonomy or chronic illness can live at home in the best possible conditions with security. The aim is to optimise COORDINATED CARE between all professionals who take care of patients.
This E-PATHWAY TOOL is now being rolled out to all professionals in Nouvelle-Aquitaine (NA), to encourage, facilitate and secure the sharing of information and exchanges between professionals working with patients.
It is supported by the Regional Health Agency Nouvelle-Aquitaine (ARS) and deployed by ESEA (E-health in action): the institutional body for the development of e-health in NA.
Professionals in the medical, medico-social and social sector
Paaco-Globule enables health care professionals to:
>monitor, coordinate and plan the management of the entire health care pathway
>share a patient file containing the main information required for coordination with their partners
>communicate about a patient
>notify alerts and tasks to members of the care team
>monitor a patient's treatment and edit the patient's medication record
>monitor and organise the activity of a coordination structure
The benefits for professionals:
•Time saving
•A secured and facilitated communication and coordination
•Traceability of information
•Data privacy
Resources needed
>The ARS has benefited from national funding from the Ministry of health & ERDF.
>ESEA has contracted with a consortium of industrialist via public procurement.
>Service free for professionals
>Access on web & smartphones/tablets
>Deployed by ESEA teams: about 50 employees (3 people work full-time)
Evidence of success
Paaco-Globule enables professionals to efficiently SHARE the information they need to coordinate care for their patients.
Large scale deployment (ESEA):
>More than 220,000 patients monitored in 2023 (including 73% aged over 60)
>22,500 professionals used the tool in 2023
The TSN experimentation has demonstrated a reduction in emergency room visits.
The use of Paaco-Globule is governed by a charter of recommendations for good practice and it was drafted with professionals and legal experts.
Potential for learning or transfer
ESEA supports the development of Paaco-Globule by professionals and provides trainings and webinars on its e-learning platform ELEA (E-Learning in action). Besides, the community of professionals RELEA (Relays in action), coordinated by ESEA, is a networking place to share e-health initiatives, including projects using Paaco-Globule.
For the deployment of Paaco-Globule, different support tools have been developed by ESEA:
>E-learning training
>Good practice charter
>5 golden rules of Paaco-Globule use
>Paaco-Globule memo sheet
>Patient Therapeutic Education module
>Getting started guide
>Guide to the "conversation" module
>Replay of Paaco-Globule webinars
The mobile version of Paaco-Globule is also in 3 other French regions (Bretagne, Corse, Bourgogne France-Comté).
Further information
Good practice owner
You can contact the good practice owner below for more detailed information.