Partnership between the municipality of Lille and La Poste about sustainable last mile delivery

About this good practice
The partnership enables the two entities, the municipality of Lille and the La Poste group (which is the universal delivery company in France) to discuss projects and issues regularly. It allows for direct feedback when La Poste, as one of the logistics stakeholders, encounters specific difficulties which might appears from changes in city policies or from evolving social and economics norms and trends. The topics part of this agreement are the increase use of cargo bikes, the creation and increase use of a mutualised logistics hub, the improvement of the first-time delivery rate, the continuous improvement of the delivery areas plan and the exchange of delivery good practices.
One recent topic which benefited from this partnership is related to the generalisation of paid parking in the public space which is being rolled out in the city. Delivery spaces are frequently occupied by non-professionals. Therefore, the drivers of delivery vans have the choice between stopping their vans on the paid parking spaces, raking in huge sums in parking fines or double parking on the street which can cause congestion. As a short-term solution, the city has put in place a subscription scheme aimed at professionals allowing them to park on paid parking spaces in the entire city. This solution helps reduce carbon emissions from cars that would be waiting behind a double-parked van and the extra distance driven searching for a space.
Expert opinion
Resources needed
2 persons from the city have regular meetings with regional and national representatives of La Poste to check the progress on different topics and projects.
Evidence of success
The partnership has enabled to solve situations quickly and to get quick feedback on specific issues such as the consequences of the generalisation of paid parking for logistics stakeholders. It has also permitted to elaborate co-designed diagnostic on the conditions of using cargo bikes in the city's public space.
Potential for learning or transfer
Having regular meetings with major delivery stakeholders is highly beneficial to get quick feedback on issues that might encounter delivery operators to find solutions quickly. It is also important to get information on the strategies and initiatives being considered by delivery companies to adapt policies either to help these initiatives to materialise, if considered beneficials, or to regulate in order to prevent negative effects on other aspects of city life.
Good practice owner
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