Podkarpackie Spatial Information System (PSIS)
About this good practice
The PSIS was implemented by the Podkarpackie Region and 22 counties in the region’s area. The goal of the PSIS is to improve the region's competitiveness by creating a regional, open, digital platform that integrates spatial information resources for publication and the provision of related e-services. Podkarpackie launched a regional open digital platform (regional portal), produced an orthophotomap for the Region, purchased and transferred ICT equipment and software. As a result of the project, the product indicators were achieved (and some were significantly exceeded): number of intra-administrative services made available (A2A) - 23 pcs; number of public services made available online with a maturity level of at least 3 (two-way interaction) - 258 pcs. ; number of public services made available online with a maturity level of at least 4 (transaction) - 514 pcs.; number of digitized documents containing public sector information – 785.912 pcs.
The spatial information system makes it possible to manage this data, process it and make it available in an integrated form to both the public and public institutions. The creation of regional of spatial information infrastructure fulfills the laws in force in Poland.
The PSIS aids decision-making across governance levels. Improving access and enabling access via e-services to geodetic and cartographic resources will support the development of new initiatives based on the use of digital spatial data.
Expert opinion
Resources needed
The PSIS, funded by EU funds (41.950.438 €; (PLN 180.806.390)), incurs €300000/year for maintenance. Human resources involve 3-5 full-time technical officers. Integration of Satellite Data adds €20000/year. A dedicated office is planned for PSIS management.
Evidence of success
The success is evidenced by the involvement in the project 22 local government partners and 1 the regional Leader, as well as significantly exceeded project result indicators:
- number of downloads /downloads of documents containing public sector information - value according to the funding agreement 5,850 pcs / value achieved: 935,140 pcs.- number of users of innovative tools for improving digital skills: value according to the funding agreement: 2,150 people/ value achieved: 17,167 people.
Potential for learning or transfer
Intergration of satellite data with SDI will play an increasingly important role in various areas of local government activities (e.g., urban planning, emergency management, climate change, etc.).Podkarpackie just starting with this process thanks to the created regional SDI.
It is extremely important to have a properly designed regional SDI into which satellite data/earth observation can be systematically entered according to user requirements. It is necessary to have highly qualified personnel who are constantly being educated and developing their skills. It is also necessary to train other employees of local/regional government bodies in how SDI data and satellite data that can be obtained free of charge can be used in carrying out the tasks of individual departments/divisions. All of these areas have potential for learning and transfer.
Further information
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