Power generation by managing organic waste
Published on 02 February 2018

Anatoliki Makedonia, Thraki
This is the good practice's implementation level. It can be national, regional or local.
About this good practice
Biogas Lagada is a power generation plant (1 MW) from biogas combustion, produced by anaerobic digestion of organic raw materials. The majority of the materials consist of farm waste, such as liquid and solid cattle and poultry manure, as well as waste from cheese and milk production waste and silage from crops such as corn, wheat and rye.
The above waste are stored in digestion tanks with the appropriate conditions and the required quantity. This digestion tank, within a suitable temperature conditions and with the absence of air, produces the required amount of biogas for the continuous operation of the biogas combustion engine, which operates the power generator.
Besides electricity, the whole process produces heat, used to cover the heating needs of the digestion tanks. The digestate of anaerobic digestion is stored in tanks and used as fertilizer in agricultural crops in the region.
At a daily basis, 240 tons of waste are collected and treated. Otherwise, all these produced livestock waste would end up at agricultural crops, without following the quality standards, as the digestate derived from the Anaerobic Digestion plant. The dairy and mill waste would have been illegally disposed in a natural recipient or in a wastewater treatment plant creating further treatment costs. Additionally, the Anaerobic Digestion plant constitutes of the only Renewable Energy Sources technologies with negative CO2 balance.
The above waste are stored in digestion tanks with the appropriate conditions and the required quantity. This digestion tank, within a suitable temperature conditions and with the absence of air, produces the required amount of biogas for the continuous operation of the biogas combustion engine, which operates the power generator.
Besides electricity, the whole process produces heat, used to cover the heating needs of the digestion tanks. The digestate of anaerobic digestion is stored in tanks and used as fertilizer in agricultural crops in the region.
At a daily basis, 240 tons of waste are collected and treated. Otherwise, all these produced livestock waste would end up at agricultural crops, without following the quality standards, as the digestate derived from the Anaerobic Digestion plant. The dairy and mill waste would have been illegally disposed in a natural recipient or in a wastewater treatment plant creating further treatment costs. Additionally, the Anaerobic Digestion plant constitutes of the only Renewable Energy Sources technologies with negative CO2 balance.
Resources needed
4,5 m euro.
Evidence of success
Anaerobic digestion of over 80.000 t/a of waste. Average daily maximum power production of over 95 %.
Potential for learning or transfer
Certainly, the practice is very interesting not only for agricultural and farming regions but also for urban and industrial regions since the input material mix of such a plant can be adapted to the available organic materials of almost any region. Additionally, such plants provide the surrounding area with environmental friendly heat and electricity.
Further information
Good practice owner
You can contact the good practice owner below for more detailed information.
Biogas Lagada S.A.

Anatoliki Makedonia, Thraki
PostDoc Researcher