Regional Green House Gas (GHG) emissions Inventory
Published on 07 December 2021
Comunidad Foral de Navarra
This is the good practice's implementation level. It can be national, regional or local.
About this good practice
The GHG emissions Inventory (GHG emissions) is a voluntary initiative that collects the quantity of gases emitted into the atmosphere during a period of one year in Navarra, and therefore monitors the mitigation of emissions to address climate change:
• It provides information on the activities causing the emissions, and the methods used to make the calculations and estimations.
• It allows to know the sectors that contribute the most to emissions and their specific contributions, and so, to evaluate compliance with mitigation of emissions - globally and by sector – against climate change.
The inventory assesses GHG emissions in the sectors that originate them: Energy, Industrial Processes and other Products Use, Agriculture and Wastes. It is formulated based on IPCC methodology, in Common Reporting Format. Likewise, emissions are reflected in relation to the so-called traditional sectors: Electricity Generation, Industry, Transport, Residential and Services, Primary Sector and Wastes.
Both direct emissions, and emissions linked to electricity imported and exported to meet the annual electricity demand are considered.
It stablishes the emissions comparison taking as reference both 1990 and 2005.
It is a tool to monitor the Navarra Climate Change Roadmap (KLINA).
The methodology used for the inventory is the established by IPCC in 2006.
• It provides information on the activities causing the emissions, and the methods used to make the calculations and estimations.
• It allows to know the sectors that contribute the most to emissions and their specific contributions, and so, to evaluate compliance with mitigation of emissions - globally and by sector – against climate change.
The inventory assesses GHG emissions in the sectors that originate them: Energy, Industrial Processes and other Products Use, Agriculture and Wastes. It is formulated based on IPCC methodology, in Common Reporting Format. Likewise, emissions are reflected in relation to the so-called traditional sectors: Electricity Generation, Industry, Transport, Residential and Services, Primary Sector and Wastes.
Both direct emissions, and emissions linked to electricity imported and exported to meet the annual electricity demand are considered.
It stablishes the emissions comparison taking as reference both 1990 and 2005.
It is a tool to monitor the Navarra Climate Change Roadmap (KLINA).
The methodology used for the inventory is the established by IPCC in 2006.
Expert opinion
The creation of a central registry covering the entire territory (in this case the region of Navarra) with an inventory of carbon footprint projects of different economic sectors, such as Energy, Industrial Processes and other Products Use, Agriculture and Wastes is a useful initiative as it helps on a year-byb-year basis to monitor and reduce GHG emissions. It makes it easier to understand the sector carbon footprint and establishes a common methodology. The initiative is conductive to fostering the decarbonisation of the European economy in line with the Green Deal.
Works at
Interreg Europe Policy Learning Platform
Resources needed
The Inventory is carried out by the Circular Economy and Climate Change Service of the Rural Development and Environment Department on Navarra Government, with the support of a technical assistance (Navarra Industrial Association (AIN)). Approx. 15.000€/year for the technical assistance.
Evidence of success
The inventory has been carried out continuously since 2007. Before that, in 2000, 2003 and 2005. It provides knowledge to the regional government to stablish and monitor mitigation measures to face climate change. In the case of Navara these measures are stablished in the KLINA.
Considering the last Inventory published, which is the one for 2018, a decrease of 21.07% with respect to the reference year of 2005 in the direct emissions can be seen. 14,74% in the case for total emissions.
Considering the last Inventory published, which is the one for 2018, a decrease of 21.07% with respect to the reference year of 2005 in the direct emissions can be seen. 14,74% in the case for total emissions.
Potential for learning or transfer
This good practice may be applicable in every region. It may be accomplished with support of external assistance, or by own resources.
It is used to monitor de GHG emissions in the region, and as a tool to monitor the KLINA, which is the regional policy instrument which defines the climate change roadmap in Navarra, and was approved in 2018, together with the Navarra Energy Plan.
With this instrument, mitigation measures to fight against climate change may be also evaluated.
It is used to monitor de GHG emissions in the region, and as a tool to monitor the KLINA, which is the regional policy instrument which defines the climate change roadmap in Navarra, and was approved in 2018, together with the Navarra Energy Plan.
With this instrument, mitigation measures to fight against climate change may be also evaluated.
Further information
Good practice owner
You can contact the good practice owner below for more detailed information.
Governmemt of Navarre
Comunidad Foral de Navarra
Strategic Projects Service