Round Table for the management of COVID-19 emergency phase 2 at Metropolitan level
About this good practice
The Resolution of the Metropolitan City of Turin Board laid down the set-up of a round table whose aim is to provide the 312 Municipalities with coordination and support in the management of COVID-19 phase 2. It consists of a permanent Round Table which gathers the spokespersons of the homogeneous zones Metropolitan City of Turin is divided in. The purpose of the round table is sharing projects and good practices and figure out solutions consistent with the peculiar needs and socio-economic features of the different homogeneous zones. The overall aim of this permanent meeting is then to assure uniformity while responding to different challenges. The Metropolitan City of Turin oversees accompanying processes that start from the assumption of territorial systems interconnected from the point of view of citizens and economic actors.
Expert opinion
The good practice illustrates the importance of coordination among Municipalities to respond to the COVID-19 emergency and prepare for the reopening management phase. Coordination is achieved through roundtables that involve representatives from the Metropolitan City of Turin. The objective is to share good practices and solutions to respond to the COVID-19 emergency thus ensuring coordination and consistent responses across Municipalities. The good practice highlights that the governance arrangement that aimed to increase coordination among representatives to respond to the COVID-19 could then be used to revise the Metropolitan Strategic Plan. The good practice can inspire local administrations and municipalities at the regional and metropolitan-regional levels in designing the governance arrangement to find solutions to the COVID-19 emergency.
Resources needed
This practice gathers representatives from the homogeneous zones who are subjects fulfilling a public office or local administrators. For this reason, we didn't require financial resources or additional human resources.
Evidence of success
Considering that the practice started only 2 months ago we haven't acknowledged results yet. However a coordination meeting at the Metropolitan Level is fundamental in order to manage the actions implemented by the different homogeneous zones and Municipalities. We foresee to achieve a good level of engagement of the territories and tangible and fine-tuned solutions implemented at the local level. This process will also foster the revision of the Metropolitan Strategic Plan in the years to come
Potential for learning or transfer
We decided to share the practice we are currently implementing in our territory since we believe that it could have a great potential for learning and transfer among local administrations and municipalities (mainly at NUTS3 and NUTS2 level, i.e supra-municipal level). Our overall goal was to develop an instrument able to properly understand the more peculiar local needs and to give immediate and targeted solutions to the COVID-19 emergency. During the emergency, the local level has been recognized as the governance level more effective in delivering concrete and fine-tuned solutions to local territories. Administrative bodies like the Metropolitan City of Turin have among their competences the management of the territory and the promotion and coordination of economic and social development and as such we consider the practice totally transferrable.
Further information
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