SERV - Social partners on the digital fast track
Published on 13 September 2021
Prov. Antwerpen
This is the good practice's implementation level. It can be national, regional or local.
About this good practice
Along with the rest of the world, Flanders is facing a radical technological revolution. Digitalisation has an impact on all aspects of life in society: It affects our mobility, cultural identity, social (in)equality, government, democracy, etc. This transformation is much more far-reaching in scope, speed and complexity than the transformations that society has faced in the past.
Together with our international partners, the SERV developed an international comparison which focusses especially on best practices on future-proofing our economy and labour market, on the process of social dialogue and on the impact of digitalization on these processes.
Mutual learning from experiences and the identification of examples of good practice were structured and phased around three problem areas or challenges: (1) challenges for education and skills policy, (2) the labour market and (3) the economy & innovation. For each of the three themes, an analysis was carried out, giving rise to a number of key questions. These key questions were also fed back into the social dialogue and to the social partners in the partner countries.
The output went further than simply exchanging good examples and practices. An information exchange platform was set up, which serves as a stimulus for establishing and maintaining a network of social partners.
This networking model, allows for frequent exchange of information, views and opinions on policy-relevant topics.
contact: Tim Buyse, [email protected]
Together with our international partners, the SERV developed an international comparison which focusses especially on best practices on future-proofing our economy and labour market, on the process of social dialogue and on the impact of digitalization on these processes.
Mutual learning from experiences and the identification of examples of good practice were structured and phased around three problem areas or challenges: (1) challenges for education and skills policy, (2) the labour market and (3) the economy & innovation. For each of the three themes, an analysis was carried out, giving rise to a number of key questions. These key questions were also fed back into the social dialogue and to the social partners in the partner countries.
The output went further than simply exchanging good examples and practices. An information exchange platform was set up, which serves as a stimulus for establishing and maintaining a network of social partners.
This networking model, allows for frequent exchange of information, views and opinions on policy-relevant topics.
contact: Tim Buyse, [email protected]
Expert opinion
The initiative was launched by the Social and Economic Council of Flanders (SERV) in 2017. The good practice aimed to stimulate an international dialogue on the social impacts of the digital transition. It consisted of a series of meetings and roundtables around three topic areas: challenge for education and skills policy, labour market, and economy and innovation’. As a result, a summary report on the best practices was published and an ‘Information Exchange Platform’ was set up to facilitate knowledge transfer and exchange of opinions and good practices between the social partners of the new network.
Works at
Interreg Europe Policy Learning Platform
Resources needed
Total project budget approx. € 250,000 of which €150,000 subsidized by the ESF Flanders (European Social Fund Flanders).
Evidence of success
The various meetings and roundtables were a success. All best practices were summarized in a summary report and the project closed with a conference in October 2019 aimed at both Flemish and European policy makers. The experiences gained throughout the project are of relevance for a broader set of stakeholders, regions and countries. Moreover, the created network will prove useful in the future for further exchange of information or ideas on other topics of policy relevance.
Potential for learning or transfer
The experiences gained throughout the project are relevant for a broader set of stakeholders, regions and countries. Moreover, the Information exchange platform that has been created will prove useful in the future for further exchange of information or ideas on other topics of policy relevance and will serve as a stimulus for maintaining a network of social partners.
Further information
Good practice owner
You can contact the good practice owner below for more detailed information.
SERV (Social Economic Council Flanders)
Prov. Vlaams-Brabant
project collaborator Dialog