SHAPES - Digital Services for Active and Healthy Ageing
About this good practice
SHAPES Project brings together leading research groups, companies and experts from across Europe. The consortium is industry driven and addresses the whole value chain required for the success of the SHAPES Project. The platform is an open platform based on four factors: home, behaviour, market and governance. The digital Technologies cover a wide spectrum of areas including IoT and Big data Platforms, online communication and accessibility tools, cognitive stimulation and rehabilitation, conversational assistants and chatbots, solutions based on robotics, health and wellbeing platforms, solutions to ensure security, COVID-19 responses tools as well as solutions in the area of data analytics, such as predictive systems and wellbeing assessment tools. The pilot campaign engages more than 2000 older individuals in 15 pilot sites and themes. Pilot theme 1 is the pilot project in Saxony and is a demonstration for providing an environment for older individuals that contributes to a more independent, better and healthier living at home as well as keeping them integrated in an active and social life. The target group consists of older people (+65) living independently and displaying signs of reduced physical and/or cognitive capabilities and/or functions (physical and/or cognitive), but willing to maintain autonomy, independence and healthy living at home. The aim is to reduce fear by increasing competent usage of digital solutions that solve specific problems of the target group.
Expert opinion
SHAPES is a Horizon 2020 Innovation Action (IA) that intends to build, pilot, and deploy a large-scale, EU-standardised open platform to facilitate long-term healthy and active ageing. The SHAPES project has 36 partners across 14 countries. The platform is an open platform based on four factors—home, behaviour, market, and governance—that uses different digital technologies. The pilot campaign engages more than 2,000 older individuals in 15 pilot sites and themes. For instance, pilot theme 1 aims to promote a more independent, better, and healthier living at home and an active social life. The good practice illustrates that digital solutions can participate to provide solutions to grand societal challenges such as healthy and active ageing. Moreover, the good practice offers some insights for regional policymakers who aim to promote interregional collaboration to solve grand societal challenges through bringing together a wide range of stakeholders around concrete pilot projects.
Resources needed
SHAPES project (H2020 857159) is building a platform hosting a suite of digital solutions which will be tested as part of the pilot campaign. These include digital solutions for an intelligent living and care environment, application suite for healthy ageing, Covid-19 response digital solutions etc
Evidence of success
The pilot campaign has not yet started, so we don’t have evidence of success. The measuring toolkit includes the following evaluation methods:
- MAFEIP to model population health and cost effectiveness
- MAST to provide evidence-based arguments for the negotiation of new services
- MOMENTUM and MAPS for the assessment of the success and sustainability at the end of the pilot
NASS to identify risks and avoid failure during use case development regarding patient groups and digital tools
Potential for learning or transfer
Large Pan-European projects as SHAPES help solve the overarching challenges like healthy ageing in a way that is consistent with the European values of collaboration and cooperation.
Further information
Good practice owner
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