
Shared pilot facilities finding synergies between ESIF and H2020
Published on 04 May 2018

Prov. Oost-Vlaanderen
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About this good practice
Bio Base Europe Pilot Plant (BBEPP), a not-for-profit pilot and demonstration infrastructure, was build with ESIF-support (interreg and ERDF). The Interreg Flanders -the Netherlands Project ‘Bio Base Europe’ serves as a good exemple of a successful interregional collaboration through targeted investments . Due to this type of support BBEPP can function as a not-for-profit organisation with SME status. This type of governance allows BBEPP to stay independent from commercial organisations and thus guarantee real open access. It serves as an easily accessible player that assists SME’s as well as large companies to increase the TRL of their innovation, in a short timeframe and with minimum investment costs. For the same reasons, BBEPP is an attractive partner in H2020 programs, where BBEPP provides similar services to research institutes, start-ups, small and large companies. The infrastructure and capabilities are also put to service in interreg projects such as the awared winning project ‘Bio Base NEW’ to support SME’s in their innovation by using voucher schemes.
As such BBEPP shows good practice in finding synergies between ESIF and H2020 in accordance with the «stairway of excellence» as described within the « Enabling synergies between European Structural and Investment Funds’, Horizon 2020 and other research, innovation and competitiveness-related Union programmes Guidance for policy-makers and implementing bodies.
As such BBEPP shows good practice in finding synergies between ESIF and H2020 in accordance with the «stairway of excellence» as described within the « Enabling synergies between European Structural and Investment Funds’, Horizon 2020 and other research, innovation and competitiveness-related Union programmes Guidance for policy-makers and implementing bodies.
Expert opinion
The practice represents a successful example of how ESIF-support can help ensure the open access characteristic of a pilot plant, making it an attractive partner to SMEs and H2020 projects alike. Its relevance is reflected by the high involvement in various projects, and the number of companies that has benefitted from the services and competence. The combination of different funding schemes may be a challenge to its transferability, but nonetheless the practice could serve as inspiration for how to achieve interregional collaboration.
Works at
Resources needed
ESIF accessed:
Interreg VL-NL 2008-2013 (13 m€); ERDF 2015-2015 (1,26m€); Interreg VL-NL BioHarT 2016-2019 (0,2mio€); ERDF « impact » 2017-2020 (9,4m€); ERDF-SPC « Bio baseFlow 2018-2021 (3,7mio€)
Interreg VL-NL 2008-2013 (13 m€); ERDF 2015-2015 (1,26m€); Interreg VL-NL BioHarT 2016-2019 (0,2mio€); ERDF « impact » 2017-2020 (9,4m€); ERDF-SPC « Bio baseFlow 2018-2021 (3,7mio€)
Evidence of success
BBEPP is partner in 17 ongoing & 2 granted H2020 projects: BBI-JU (9); Industrial Leadership (7); Excellent Science (1); Societal Challenges (2). BBEPP is partner in 3 Interreg projects (NWE, Flanders-Netherlands, Europe). BBEPP is research partner in 3 regional Flemish spearheadcluster projects.
BBEPP has serviced over 100 EU companies in over 200 private projects to increase TRL of their technology.
BBEPP has serviced over 100 EU companies in over 200 private projects to increase TRL of their technology.
Potential for learning or transfer
Open access shared pilot facilities are a good "value for money" regional infrastructure investment to speed up transfer of science and research to industrial implementation. Thought to be effective & succesfull critical mass (equipment, skills, workforce,...) is key.
Rather than investing in small, subcritical local infrastructures; to guarantee continuity and effectiveness regions should seek co-investment in critical size pilot & demo infrastructures. These investments should fit within regional smart specialisation strategies and should be flanked by policy instruments enabling & stimulating use of these infrastructures, also interregional. Governance should be such that open access is guaranteed.
Rather than investing in small, subcritical local infrastructures; to guarantee continuity and effectiveness regions should seek co-investment in critical size pilot & demo infrastructures. These investments should fit within regional smart specialisation strategies and should be flanked by policy instruments enabling & stimulating use of these infrastructures, also interregional. Governance should be such that open access is guaranteed.
Further information
Good practice owner
You can contact the good practice owner below for more detailed information.
Bio Base Europe Pilot Plant

Prov. Oost-Vlaanderen