Tactical urbanism
About this good practice
A pilot project had been implemented in Popol Giost square, sited , which used to be a parking lot in the inner city. Thanks to the engagement of RESOLVE project stakeholders, Reggio Emilia start a partecipatory process to respond to the the new needs after the pandemic period. The City decided to transform the parking lot into a pedestrian area. A preliminary project, carried out by the staff administration, was shared with the community which suggested some improvements. The city organized an event to free from cars half of the square involving students, residents and retailers who had also contributed to the construction phase by painting the colored stamps, and installing seats and plants. After the first phase of the intervention, another need emerged from restaurateurs who required space for terraces to expand food area and relaunch their business after the damage suffered due to the pandemic. To meet this need, the City decided to enlarge the pedestrian area in Piazza Popol Giost by extending it to the remaining half. The parking lots have been completely removed. In addition, traffic calming measures along the main street of the neighborhood. Ten parking spaces has been removed and left space for flower boxes, protected cycle paths and terraces to allow bar and restaurant owners to put out the tables.
Resources needed
2 staff people were used to organize the meetings and prepare the project. 25.000 euro had been spent in the square and for traffic calming measure along the street.
Evidence of success
The tactical urbanism approach allowed the Municipality to test with limited time and resources new uses of public spaces. Local retailers had increased their seat area and can benefit from the new pedestrian area. A survey has revealed that 47,5% of residents and local retailers judge positively the measure. Considering the good results achieved the Municipal Administration has allocated 500.000 € in 2023 to develop a permanent solution following the principles of RESOLVE project.
Potential for learning or transfer
This good practice is particularly interesting for cities that aim to increase pedestrian area and free public space and address it to people. Tactical urbanism approach allows citizens to directly experiment how a space can change and it is a measure that consumes limited timing and resources. The temporary and low cost aspects are crucial to prevent objections and increase consensus of the project. This approach is highly transferable in any kind of city, regarldless its size, that aims to test new uses of public space. Moreover, the involvement of citizens increases the sense of ownership pf public spaces and the acceptance of the transformation.
Good practice owner
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