Technology and Industrial Modernization Roadmaps
Published on 05 March 2021
Czech Republic
This is the good practice's implementation level. It can be national, regional or local.
About this good practice
The main goal of the activity is to support the development of innovation networks - technology platforms as tools for increasing the intensity of joint research, development and innovation activities between business entities and the research sector.
The technology platforms are networks bringing together innovation actors, universities, RTOs and other key stakeholders in different sectors and technology segments which were selected as priorities for the implementation of the national smart specialization strategy.
The technology platforms are given support to combine knowledge and different competences and to identify the main bottlenecks and opportunities in the industrial and societal challenges related to the industrial modernization and uptake of key enabling technologies in the different priority and application sectors.
The technology platforms develop a comprehensive roadmap defining the stages and specific steps leading to industrial modernization and the introduction of advanced technologies relevant to their sector (e.g. in the implementation of Industry 4.0, KETs, etc.).The roadmap is based on the collection and definition of needs and requirements of SMEs. Based on defined needs, innovation opportunities and barriers, the technology platforms identify the best solutions and activities for the uptake of advanced technologies within their sectors including the necessary investments and implementation modalities.
The technology platforms are networks bringing together innovation actors, universities, RTOs and other key stakeholders in different sectors and technology segments which were selected as priorities for the implementation of the national smart specialization strategy.
The technology platforms are given support to combine knowledge and different competences and to identify the main bottlenecks and opportunities in the industrial and societal challenges related to the industrial modernization and uptake of key enabling technologies in the different priority and application sectors.
The technology platforms develop a comprehensive roadmap defining the stages and specific steps leading to industrial modernization and the introduction of advanced technologies relevant to their sector (e.g. in the implementation of Industry 4.0, KETs, etc.).The roadmap is based on the collection and definition of needs and requirements of SMEs. Based on defined needs, innovation opportunities and barriers, the technology platforms identify the best solutions and activities for the uptake of advanced technologies within their sectors including the necessary investments and implementation modalities.
Expert opinion
The good practice showcases the use of Technology and Industrial Modernization Roadmaps to promote the uptake for SMEs of Industry 4.0 technologies. The initiative offers support to identify bottlenecks and opportunities for SMEs to adopt Industry 4.0 technologies and Key Enabling Technologies (KETs) in order to increase their productivity and overall competitiveness. The technology roadmap defines the technology needs, stages and specific steps leading to SMEs’ industrial modernisation. This good practice can inspire regions and intermediary organisations that are developing technology and industrial modernisation roadmaps for SMEs to promote the adoption of Industry 4.0 technologies.
Works at
Interreg Europe Policy Learning Platform
Resources needed
The amount of the whole activity is EUR 4 259 00. The maximum aid intensity for the whole project is limited to 75%
Evidence of success
High interest of strategic industrial sectors to participate in the activity and the development and implementation of the technology roadmaps. High level of involvement of key innovation actors and stakeholders in the activity.
Potential for learning or transfer
The technology roadmaps for industrial modernization increase the readiness of SMEs for the uptake of advanced technologies, which require a combination of different competences and innovative solutions and which can contribute to the development of new cross-sectoral value chains.
The technology platforms also help establish deeper cooperation with European Technology and Innovation Platforms (ETIPs) and other strategic partners at the EU level (such as Joint Technology Initiatives, European association or cluster networks) with an emphasis on research, development and innovation and with the aim to increase the involvement of Czech RTOs and enterprises in knowledge transfer and dissemination of research results at the EU level.
The technology platforms also help establish deeper cooperation with European Technology and Innovation Platforms (ETIPs) and other strategic partners at the EU level (such as Joint Technology Initiatives, European association or cluster networks) with an emphasis on research, development and innovation and with the aim to increase the involvement of Czech RTOs and enterprises in knowledge transfer and dissemination of research results at the EU level.
Further information
Good practice owner
You can contact the good practice owner below for more detailed information.
Ministry of Industry and Trade
Czech Republic