Technology gateways

About this good practice
Companies all over Ireland are using Technology Gateways to develop new or better products and services and smarter ways of doing things. Through the Technology Gateway Network, they are leveraging the expertise of over 300 industry-focused researchers, together with the specialist equipment and facilities of the 11 institutes of technology, to access near-to-market innovation and solutions.
At the moment 15 specialist technology gateways form the network. Each gateway focuses on key technology areas aligned to industry needs. The following are located in the Border, Midland and Western region:
• WisarLab (Letterkenny): wireless solutions
• PEM (Sligo): Precision Engineering & Manufacturing
• MET (Galway): Medical & Engineering Technologies
• APT (Athlone): Polymer Technologies
Each Gateway acts as a portal to the industry focussed capability across the network and beyond to the wider research infrastructure in Ireland. To optimise the power of the Network 3 clusters were established to deliver market lead innovation solutions for Irish companies, in the areas of Applied Internet of Things, Engineering, Materials & Design and Food and Beverages.
Within each Gateway, a dedicated Gateway Manager and a team of sector specific business development staff act as the key contact points for industry and manage the successful delivery of projects on time and within budget.
Expert opinion
This is an impressive practice of facilitating cooperation between enterprises and research institutions. The practice is run by Enterprise Ireland in cooperation with Institutes of Technology. The 15 Technology Gateways (as of Feb. 2020) are situated across the country. The network makes it easier for entrepreneurs to leverage the expertise of over 300 industry-focused researchers with specialist equipment and facilities. The Gateways have specific focus areas which makes it easier for private partners to approach the most relevant R&D institutions. As SMEs often lack the time or skills for R&D activities it is very important that such expertise is easily accessible to them from relevant institutions - a network such as Technology gateways facilitates cooperation and boosts R&D activities in general. The evidence of success presented here and the fact that over 3000 joint projects have been completed make this a good practice that has high replication value in other contexts.
Resources needed
• Since January 2013 the Gateways have completed over 3,200 projects with industry worth over €30 million
• Over €14m of which was contributed in cash by industry
• The average project is approximately €10k of which more than 48% is provided in cash by the companies
Evidence of success
A review carried out in 2016 showed:
• 63% of companies reported the development of new products
• Improved technological knowledge (88%) and increase in the overall value of the company (46%) were the top two benefits cited
• 71% of companies cited the development a culture of innovation within the company due to the Gateway collaboration
• 39% of companies managed to access further capital to develop their business
Potential for learning or transfer
This initiative can inspire other partners to set up partnerships/collaborations in their regions to provide solutions to their industry.
Potential for learning may include:
• How to maximise the technological knowledge by working in network and providing a wider range of solutions to companies than on a solely basis
• Find mechanisms for private-public partnerships fostering new solutions for the industry
Further information
Good practice owner
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Enterprise Ireland