Unified processing
About this good practice
Unified processing consists of the possibility to carry out two procedures simultaneously in different levels of the administration via one user-friendly and data-complete platform.
This supposes a driven tool that once the administration informs a company of the different procedures that must be done (using for instance the service of the guided search tool), it allows to process those procedures together and automatically shows the company the data only once.
Usually, companies do not have to do a single procedure with the administration, more so multiple. In many cases, this means that companies have to repeat some of their information in the different processes. Some examples: the data of the company, the establishment, the notification data...
It is a tool that makes the Only Once Principle possible, because then data will only be entered once; even if it then it redistributes it to different databases of the administrative units that must continue with the processing.
In the practical world, the Office of Business Management has incorporated some of the procedures in both the regional Government level and the local administrations. If these can be carried out simultaneously, meaning there is no dependency between them, the procedures can then be submitted at the same time, in a unified way.
Resources needed
- Legal framework: Law 18/2020 article 18.
- Technological: All procedures in digital format (if possible in HTML) and each field of this form has to be provided with a catalogue code.
- Organizational: defining the procedures that affect economic activity, standarization of information fields...
Evidence of success
Unified processing is already in production for the commercial establishments. More than 83000 establishments have benefited from this practice. The three procedures that are currently unified:
- Legalization of the municipal establishment.
- Communication with the trade unit.
- Communication as a work center with the Business and Labour Department.
Potential for learning or transfer
Multilevel unified processing is a thing of the present, it provides a faster way to carry out processes for users and it facilitates the bureaucracy required, paving an easier way for the relations between businesses and administration. It also allows the Administration to have a proactive attitude towards processing and their users.
This can be useful to learn and transfer this good practice for those countries where the administrative burden is still high and therefore, the relationship between companies and the administration is more or less constant, as in this way the administrative burden is reduced.
Further information
Good practice owner
You can contact the good practice owner below for more detailed information.