Use of Biodiversity data in decision making: the SITxell Project
About this good practice
The SITxell project promotes the use of the informatio related to territorial analysis (geology, hydrology, botany, zoology, ecology, socio-economics, agronomy, town planning) both from independent groups of experts (university research centres, private consultants social organisations, etc.) and inside the administration itself for the socioeconomic development compatible with the preservation of ecosystem services essential for the maintenance of human welfare. Nowadays, we are channelling these planning purposes through the implementation of green infrastructure at local and regional scales.
The ultimate aim is to transform this expert information into knowledge that can easily be applied to territorial analysis, planning and management, to be used by all competent public administrations. So, the application of a concept and common information at the different levels and areas of territorial organisation promotes governability through concurrent, agreed planning mechanisms and substantially increases the effectiveness of public administration and the sustainable use of the territory.
Expert opinion
The project is a very inspiring and successful example of using accurate information about the ecological and socioeconomic values of natural areas in land use policies. On a technical level it is a cartographic database, which helps with the study, analysis and planning of the open areas. An important advantage of SITxell tool is its applicability in land planning processes, on both local and regional level. The involvement of various levels of government, academia and private sector have ensured the quality of information and objectivity of the analysis. All these features of the tool contributed to its success, wide use and international recognition as a good practice. SITxell tool can be easily transferred to other regions due to its flexibity and adaptability.
Resources needed
Evidence of success
Potential for learning or transfer
SITxell has also been taken as an example of good analysis and territorial planning practices by the European Union as part of the “Green Infrastructure” initiative (Interreg Project Greeninfranet)
Good practice owner
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