
Volunteers for International Experience Pays de la Loire (VIE PDL)
Published on 18 June 2019

This is the good practice's implementation level. It can be national, regional or local.
About this good practice
The VIE system is a national system that has existed since 2000. The dedicated regional financial support, known as "VIE Pays de la Loire", was approved in 2005 via a partnership agreement with PDL chamber of commerce . Business France manages the scheme on behalf of the State, and is the employer of the volunteers. The VIE PDL is complementary to the national scheme and PDL Region received the VIE trophy for it. The regional chamber of commerce is the administrator of the VIE support fund powered by the Region.
Can benefit from a VIE, companies whose industrial production site or qualified services to industrial production in PDL employ: less than 20 employees; or less than 250 employees whose activity is part of a sector of excellence of the region (maritime industry for instance); or between 250 and 1000 employees, whose activity is part of a sector of excellence of the territory and whose head office is in PDL.
Eligible VIE missions must be commercial or technical sales support and contribute to the launch of a new product or an existing product launch on a new market abroad.
The amount of the fixed allowances (excluding taxes) of the VIE is fixed by Business France according to the countries of assignment of the VIE. The amount of regional support covers all (100%) of these allowances for a maximum of 12 months.
VIE PDL aims to promote VIE's use to reinforce the presence of PDL companies in foreign markets.
Can benefit from a VIE, companies whose industrial production site or qualified services to industrial production in PDL employ: less than 20 employees; or less than 250 employees whose activity is part of a sector of excellence of the region (maritime industry for instance); or between 250 and 1000 employees, whose activity is part of a sector of excellence of the territory and whose head office is in PDL.
Eligible VIE missions must be commercial or technical sales support and contribute to the launch of a new product or an existing product launch on a new market abroad.
The amount of the fixed allowances (excluding taxes) of the VIE is fixed by Business France according to the countries of assignment of the VIE. The amount of regional support covers all (100%) of these allowances for a maximum of 12 months.
VIE PDL aims to promote VIE's use to reinforce the presence of PDL companies in foreign markets.
Expert opinion
Volunteers for International Experience is a unique HR support measure. It gives companies an opportunity to launch new products or enter new markets internationally by hiring a young person for the task. This way the measure also supports the employment of young people. The evidence of success suggest that the measure has been successful in having an impact on employment and development of internationalization activities. Such a support system might have high replication value in other countries as well.
Works at
Interreg Europe Policy Learning Platform
Resources needed
Total budget for 2019: €1,5M
Time spent internally: 4 to 5 days a month to check admissibility, request information, writing notes, give information to potential applicants or students, write and follow the annual convention with the Chamber of commerce
The export committee meets once a month
Time spent internally: 4 to 5 days a month to check admissibility, request information, writing notes, give information to potential applicants or students, write and follow the annual convention with the Chamber of commerce
The export committee meets once a month
Evidence of success
The actions is regularly monitored and key figuresare published (number of missions financed per year, share of new benificiaries, most targeted countries, sectors, ...): 776 VIE PDL have been approved since the implementation, 66% of assignments are prolonged or followed by hiring. 2/3 of the beneficiary are SMEs in an international growth phase. 8/10 companies have actually developed their activity (increase of the export turnover, development perspective expanded to new areas ...)
Potential for learning or transfer
The use of the national VIE system meets a significant need identified by Business France. It is a pivot companies’ export structuring in that it allows either to sustain the business flow in the target countries, or to lay the foundations of a subsidiary establishment abroad. It is a secure and flexible HR solution, which makes it possible to benefit from fiscal measures and financial aid .
VIE Pays de la Loire is the only regional system that allows to finance 100% of the benefits of VIE the first year of its establishment. It is a strong marker of enterprises’ internationalization program of the Region.
The impact for regional businesses has been the subject of a 2006-2016 CCIR study that highlights positive economic spin-offs for the territory.
VIE Pays de la Loire is the only regional system that allows to finance 100% of the benefits of VIE the first year of its establishment. It is a strong marker of enterprises’ internationalization program of the Region.
The impact for regional businesses has been the subject of a 2006-2016 CCIR study that highlights positive economic spin-offs for the territory.
Further information
Good practice owner
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