Worldwide sponsorships and collaborations to support underwater archaeological heritage in Greece
Published on 24 February 2020
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About this good practice
This shipwreck was discovered in 1900 by sponge divers from Symi Island. The salvage of important marble and bronze statues continued in 1901. Today, these statues are housed in the National Archaeological Museum of Athens. Along with the statues, the famous mechanism of Antikythera also came to light, a unique artefact, still not fully understood. This research was a landmark for the history of Underwater Archaeology and continues today. The Ephorate often accepts financial support from Greek and foreign sponsors, who are interested in the promotion of Underwater Archaeological Heritage. This support can be financial or in kind contribution and the benefit for the doners can be promotional (Hublot) , tax exemption (SwordsPoint Foundation) , the priviledge to exhibit the artifacts (Laskaridis Foundation) , social and tourism impact (Ephorate of Underwater Antiquities, Municipality of Kythera-Antikythera, Cosmote, DEI etc), business expansion (X-TEC Systems Ltd) and /or scientific acknowledgement (Hewlett Packard, Universities and Research Institutes)
Expert opinion
The practice is an innovativen approach in financing the protection and preservation of underwater cultural heritage of importance for the mankind. Key factor for the success of the endeavour is in finding the right finance mix combining private and public funds, as well as in-kind contribution. The practice is interesting for the the diverse benefits for the donors such as tax exemption, social and tourism impact, new business opportunities, scientific acknowledgement. Private entities involved in the protection of the shipwreck also obtained benefits in terms of publicity and promotion. For public authorities the learning potential is also in the role of the state that by providing co-funding acted as a balancing factor among a diverse group of stakeholders involved.
Resources needed
There were 3 different periods of activities
1.Research programme of the Antikythera Mechanism (2005-2009): 365.000,00 and in kind contribution
2.Periodic Exhibition of the artifacts (2012-2014): 300.000,00
3.Underwater excavations (2014-today): 2.300.000,00 and in kind contribution
1.Research programme of the Antikythera Mechanism (2005-2009): 365.000,00 and in kind contribution
2.Periodic Exhibition of the artifacts (2012-2014): 300.000,00
3.Underwater excavations (2014-today): 2.300.000,00 and in kind contribution
Evidence of success
The most significant point, besides the historical and archaeological value of the project, is the fact that various organisations (foundations, NGOs, private companies and public sector) with different background and scope, realised the potential outcomes of the project itself and agreed to offer assistance of any kind in order to complete efficiently, if possible, what started 120 years ago and became world famous
Potential for learning or transfer
The Antikythera Shipwreck is the purest underwater archaeological find from which miraculous artworks have been found, the Antikythera Mechanism and, at the same time, a staging point for modern high-tech diving excavations. Underwater excavations have created new evidence for a new sponsorship field, the inland excavations, in sponsorship policy with the attraction of renowned companies and private sponsors. in addition, State funding acts as a balancing factor in full harmony with private sponsorship and is a guarantee of new sponsors. The shipwreck has given enormous publicity and reciprocal benefits to sponsors, both financial and communication benefits. Sponsors who have contributed both to the study's research of the Mechanism by decoding its interior with state-of-the-art technological methods and predicting the outcome of the first analogue computer of antiquity, as well as for the inland excavations, they had incalculable publicity and promotion of their products
Further information
Good practice owner
You can contact the good practice owner below for more detailed information.
Ephorate of Underwater Antiquities/Ministry of Culture and Sports
EU funds expert