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The main activities during the core phase will relate to the following: exchange of experience pilot actions (if relevant) The exchange of experience between partners (also called ‘interregional learning process’) is the main catalyst for generating the …
The activities are the basis of the exchange of experience and can include: joint thematic surveys / studies / analysis interregional study visits interregional thematic seminars / workshops interregional peer-reviews  interregional staff exchanges …
Projects are welcome to integrate online activities into their strategy whenever possible to minimise their environmental impact. However, this online format cannot fully replace in-person exchange. … Can we do our activities …
There are many ways to organise a successful learning process between partners and there is no ‘one size fits all’ method.The approach may depend, for instance, on the number of partners involved or on the nature of the subject addressed. Experience …
Yes, stakeholder group meetings are compulsory. They should be used to share the lessons learnt from the interregional cooperation activities with the stakeholders and allow them to input their opinions and ideas into the project. … Are meetings with …
Projects are implemented in 2 phases: The core phase for interregional learning, dedicated to the exchange of experience among project partners and the integration of lessons learnt into the regional development policy instruments. The follow-up phase, …
A policy instrument is a means of public intervention. It refers to any strategy, programme, or law developed by public authorities and implemented to improve a specific territorial situation. In most cases, financial resources are allocated to a policy …
The notion of ‘Investment for jobs and growth goal’ comes from the EC regulation (further information on the Investment for jobs and growth goal can be found in the Cohesion Policy legislation 2021 – 2027 (e.g., Article 5(2)(a) of the Common Provision …
A pilot action is an implementation-related activity dedicated to testing a new approach to public intervention. This is usually the transfer of a successful practice from one region to another, but it can also be a new initiative jointly designed by the …
No. Pilot actions may be requested as a complement to the exchange of experience activities, but the latter remains the core focus of Interreg Europe projects. … Are pilot actions …
Requests for approval to carry out one or more pilot actions can be made at two moments during project: At application stage : In the preparation phase of the proposal, the partnership may identify an innovative practice with the potential to be …
Funding will concern implementation-related activities dedicated to testing a new approach to public intervention, or initiatives jointly designed by the project. Thus, only costs incurred and paid by the partners listed in the application form are …